(no subject)

Feb 08, 2004 17:29

I was reading my friendsfriends list because procrastination is my friend. *g*

I came across this entry with the question of who to avoid on LJ. It has 14 pages of responses - over 1600 in total. Wow, who knew there were so many to avoid? And who the frelling heck is this shadesong person everyone keeps harping on?

Some people rightfully deserve to be mentioned in this post. I checked out someone named masculist, and his user info was enough to give me hives. Just the name he gave himself: He Who Wears the Pants. And then this little gem:

I am conservative. I am anti-feminist. I am Christian. I am anti-abortion. I think homosexuality is an abomination. I think flag burning is treason.

Oh, and his default icon? The Republican elephant. ::shudders::

These are the type of Internet users I come to LJ to avoid.

Boy, am I ever glad for my friends list today. ::hugs friends list tightly::
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