A List

Apr 17, 2015 00:19

1. Personally, this year has sucked something fierce. Both my brother and my mother have been in the hospital - and it was pretty awful on both accounts. On top of this, my brother, who has Down's Syndrome, has started developing dementia (a common thing for people with Down's) and it's just generally terrifying to think of what lies ahead.

2. The reason my brother was in the hospital was, most likely, the flu (and let me tell you, it's awful not being able to get him to understand that he has to stay in the hospital for his own good when all he wants to do is go home) and since someone had to stay with him at all waking hours (because the hospital staff couldn't understand him or get through to him) I spent many days and nights on hospital watch. Which meant that I got sick with the flu. And this year's flu was the weirdest I've ever had or heard of. Basically, I felt dizzy and had a fever for about four days. Then it took me about FOUR WEEKS to start to feel like myself again. Constant fatigue, not feeling like myself and just general ickiness without a specific thing to point to and say: "this. This is why I feel so awful." Honestly, give me a good old-fashined snot-dripping, cough-until-you-can't-breathe flu any day over THAT.

3. I'm not reading books right now. I think I've read one book this year and before that, the last book I finished was in September. It's so weird, because for the past five years I've averaged about 100 books a year and then suddenly it was as if someone just switched off the tap.

4. Of course, the reason I'm not reading books is that I'm reading fanfic. Specifically, Felicity/Oliver fanfic. I feel like any time I have a 'ship I obsess about, my brain just can't handle reading anything else. Last time it took me about five years of fic reading and two years of a complete reading drought to get back to reading books. But hey, at least there should be a build-up of amazing books by my favorite authors to read in about seven years, right? Gotta think of the positives!

5. So, Arrow... I'm pretty obsessed. To the point where I read forums and fic and am even thinking of taking Thursday and Friday off next week for...reasons. Not that this season has been all that good, but this is the season that kicked my obsession into high gear. And I think that even if I had watched both other seasons in real time, I still wouldn't have become as obsessed with it earlier, because this is the season that has my favorite 'ship trope: Big Mean Guy Becomes a Pile of Mush Because of His Love for The Girl. All the 'ships I've ever 'shipped so hard I started binge-reading fanfic for them have had this characteristic: Spike/Buffy, Logan/Veronica, etc.

6. In other TV news, I'm mostly still watching The Flash because it shares its universe with Arrow, otherwise I probably would have dropped it by now. Not because it's bad, it's just blah to me. Really liking iZombie, but David Anders has never done anything for me before and he's not doing it here either. Elementary has been amaaaazing this season and I look forward to Fridays like crazy all week. It's such a relief after the clusterfuck of the Mycroft arc last season. My love for Kitty came out of left field, I was so prepared to just tolerate her until they shipped her off, but instead I was genuinely sad when she left. I've watched about half of Daredevil, which, while excellent TV, isn't all that compelling to me. I feel like Jane the Virgin has lost a touch of its charm since it came back form hiatus. I still like it, but I'm not at all as gleeful when I have a new episode all cued up to watch. Other than that, I'm behind on pretty much everything else. Because I don't really care that much, I guess?

7. The reason I might take a few days off next week is because I've worked a lot of overtime in the past month, due to various award shows and last-minute orders that forced me to work a ton right before Easter. I have at least three days off coming to me. And since things are slowing down, I should hopefully be able to get a long weekend out of it.

8. Even numbers! Completely randomly, how about my top three current favorite lip products:

  1. NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Never Say Never (which I bought in London).

  2. Hourglass Icon - lip pencil and liquid lipstick. And I'm thinking about getting the regular lipstick as well. The dark blue-toned red is PERFECT.

  3. Revlon Colorburst Balm Stain in Honey - best "my lips but better" I've ever found.

  4. BONUS! Lipstick Queen in Frog Prince. The VM lipstick of my dreams. When I finally get my hands on this (it came out this week), I'm sure I'll love it.

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