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dtissagirl March 14 2014, 23:57:14 UTC
Really, what was the point of having someone TRY TO LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW?

YEAH, I love Gaby Hoffmann, but did they really need to drag the stalker!Carrie stuff that much? I get there needs to be suspects before the real killer is revealed, but that went way too long.

but I'm having real trouble seeing Logan coming to the decision to join. Unless it was a reaction to Veronica leaving for Stanford.

That might work as a good fanwank, though. If Veronica leaves, then Logan is really completely alone. [And Dick doesn't count], so he joins because military = sense of belonging. Or maybe he got into trouble again and a judge offered him enlisting over jail time? It also works.

(Of course, I get the feeling that for the past ten years, she's been trying to live that life and may even have fooled herself into believing it's what she wants).

I think that voice over about her not wanting to disappoint Keith might have been their way of explaining why she spent the last decade hanging on to a "normal" life -- she's doing what Keith thinks is best for her. And you're right, it looks dumb because it shows that Keith doesn't really know Veronica at all.


_jems_ March 15 2014, 00:08:21 UTC
Had Leighton played Carrie Bishop, the dragging out of that would have made sense, but as it was, it made NO sense.

Or maybe he got into trouble again and a judge offered him enlisting over jail time? It also works.
Ooooh. Two fanwanks theories that work for me. This one may even work better because I (and I don't know why) get the feeling that Logan joined up after college.

it looks dumb because it shows that Keith doesn't really know Veronica at all.
I know that people looooove Veronica and Keith's father/daughter relationship, but I've always maintained that while it is great, there is a huge issue of Keith not wanting Veronica to be who she really is. I think he does know her, he just wishes she was a different person. Not necessarily in a bad way, but because he doesn't want her to have a difficult life.


dtissagirl March 15 2014, 00:41:38 UTC
Status: looking up how long does it take for someone to reach Lt in the Navy if he joins immediately after college.

Although the enlist or jail trope falls apart if he joined after college -- because it makes much more sense to join as a commissioned officer if you have a degree [or going through Navy ROTC or some other college program] rather than to enlist [and thus be a non-commissioned officer.]. Since he IS commissioned, I just killed my own fanwank. *g*

I think he does know her, he just wishes she was a different person. Not necessarily in a bad way, but because he doesn't want her to have a difficult life.

Yeah, I think he wants to protect her from EVERYTHING, which, considering all that happened to her, is completely understandable. Even more so when he was THE SHERIFF when everything started to fall apart. But yeah, when you start digging just a little bit deeper into their relationship, there's a lot of love, but not that much trust.


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