I can haz Harry Potter tickets! For the premiere on Wednesday! (Well, there is the midnight showing on Tuesday night, but sometimes you've just got to admit you're an adult now and work responsibilities have to take priority.)
For the past few weeks I've slowly been migrating three more bookcases to my living room from my bedroom. "Slowly" because it's been hot and/or muggy the whole time, and I haven't exactly been jumping for joy about vacuuming/carrying/shelving books for hours on end. Anyway, my living room now has ten bookcases and my bedroom only has three! Soon to be two! Which means there's tons of space! Which of course means I'm surfing the web in search of new furniture.
First up: a bedside table. I haven't had room for one until now, a low bookcase has had to do double duty. Anyway, I love this one:
Kind of reminiscent of one of those British(?) revolving bookcases, except with more modern, clean lines. Perfect! Except that it's kind of tall (93 cm), so I'm unsure of how it will look next to my bed, which is just average bed height. There is a lower version, but I'm not quite as fond of that one:
(I'd still want it in walnut, though. This one is in oak.)
Now for the part where I curse Danish design. For being both great and ridiculously overpriced.
I figured I'd need a desk and when I found this, the WANT reflex kicked in:
It's like the equivalent of 3 000 dollars. And yet? I'm seriously considering it. Because of the aforementioned WANT.
This chair isn't Danish that I know of, but I think it would look pretty good with the desk.
(Would probably want it in different color though.)
My kdrama obsession continues unabated.
Dream High
So, I watched the first two episodes last night, and didn't really like them all that much. But then I put on episode three when I started my book-carrying session for the day and I'm currently watching episode ten wondering what the hell happened.
It definitely improved, that's for sure. I'm kind of loving that it's not the same old storyline. Also, an actual love triangle where the outcome isn't a given (at least for me, which is kind of unusual).
I do have to wonder if we're just supposed to pretend that we don't see their foggy breaths, though? Because it's kind of ridiculous for a school not to have heating.
Heartstrings/You've Fallen for Me
I don't know, I'm kinda bored? Especially by Lee Shin's CREEPY AS FUCK obsession with the dance teacher. Ick to the nth degree. I'm not one to FF through dramas I haven't watched before, but if this keeps up, I may have to make an exception.
One thing I don't understand, though, is people expecting this drama to "fix" their 'ship from You're Beautiful. After all, chances are that Lee Shin will be pretty much the same character as Hwang Tae Kyung, since this drama seems to follow the same pattern as 90% of them. (Okay, so he might not be quite THAT much of a robot, but certainly closer to that than Shin Woo.)
City Hunter
I think I'm starting to burn out on City Hunter. Oh, not that I'm not still ridiculously excited about new episodes, but for two weeks, City Hunter was pretty much the only thing I watched. On my stationary computer, on my laptop, on my phone on the subway... Like, All. The. Time. And these last couple of episodes I've "only" seen twice.
I do think that may be because they seemed to have dialed the intensity down a notch or two, hopefully so that they can start ratcheting it up again for the finale.
I saw some speculation that I found interesting, but it's sometimes hard to figure out what's actually speculation and what's really spoilers masquerading as speculation. (Though considering the fact that episodes seem to be filmed up until they air, practically, I'm not sure spoilers are even possible. Proceed with caution, though.)
Anyway, the speculation was that the president is actually Yoon Sung's father. Which made me want to rewatch the relevant episodes (the first episode and the one where he goes to visit Yoon Sung's mother) to see if there are any clues. The general sentiment seems to be that mom cheated on Moo Yul, but I was thinking that another possibility could be that Moo Yul married her after she got knocked up by the (presumably) married president-to-be.
Also, Kim Na Na continues to be my absolute FAAAAAVORITE. Seriously climbing up the ranks of favorite female characters ever, not just female drama characters.
Romance Town
I still haven't seen the last two episodes, because they're not subbed yet (or weren't when I last checked on Friday). And I can't help but wonder if the DarkSmurf subbers aren't working on it for the same reason I haven't been all that interested in watching: because last week's episodes went off the rails in a big way. It's just...oh dear lord, what is happening in this drama? So weird and nonsensical I can't EVEN.
And yet? I'll probably finish it off. If only for completion's sake.
In conclusion, can it be Monday Tuesday now so I can see Myung Wol the Spy? *is officially getting excited*