Jun 13, 2011 00:18

I dropped off the face of the earth (again) because as soon as the US television season ended, I became reobsessed with kdramas. I have a feeling this may become a regular thing for me. Summer=drama!time, that's just how it'll be from now on ( Read more... )

tv:, tv: community, tv: criminal minds, caps, capping, tv: fringe, tv: good wife, tv: kdramas

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typicrobots June 13 2011, 14:58:32 UTC
OMG so many dramas, I don't even know what to do.

I think my order of obsession goes:

City Hunter
Tied: Romance Town / Lie to Me / Baby-Faced Beauty / Best Love

City Hunter!!! I'm not that interested in the backstory or political intrigue either, so ep 1 was like non-stop FFWD for me. But the rest of it! So cute and fun and action-packed and well-shot! I actually watched an ep on TV while I was in Korea, on the big HD flatscreen in my hotel room, and OMG the show is even prettier that way. Is it the same camera they used for Dr. Champ, because it seems like the same kind of pretty. ANYWAY, LEE MINHO. This is by far my fave role for him too, and HIS CLOTHES, SO AMAZING. PINK SKINNY JEANS FOREVER, LEE MINHO, FOREVER. And Kim Nana is adorbs (even her name is adorbs!) and the second lead is pretty to look at and now we've entered the COHABITATION/FORCED PROXIMITY STAGE. My faaave. I'm gonna be so excited if they figure out a way to work in a fake relationship. Maybe they go undercover?

The rest of the dramas I'm enjoying and watching regularly but I don't know, I don't really anticipate them all that much. I'm glad that the episodes are there when I get home from work but it's not like I chew my fingernails off waiting for them. Lie to Me was like that for me during the heady make-out eps (WHY CAN'T WE GET BACK TO THAT???) but I agree, the angst/obstacle storyline of the past few eps have brought it down for me. God, just MAKE OUT some more and I'll be back to being invested.


_jems_ June 13 2011, 16:20:06 UTC
I totally got my excitement for Lie to Me back! By obsessively refreshing the Lie to Me and kdrama tag on Tumblr. It is far and away my favorite, so I'm glad to be all excite again! And now the obsessive refreshing of torrent and subtitle sites begins! (I'm thinking of getting up early tomorrow to watch it half-finished, because this is what Lie to Me has done to me!)

And speaking of the kdrama tag, is it bad that when I saw that there had been a car accident involving Lee Min Ho on the City Hunter set, my first thought was how it would affect me? I need my twice-weekly fix, you can't pull the rug out from under me now!

I'm gonna be so excited if they figure out a way to work in a fake relationship.
I'd be just as happy with a secret relationship, and with Daddy Dearest being the psycho he is, I'm actually thinking...maybe? (I've always had a secret relationship kink, but I think my fake relationship kink is starting to surpass it. I BLAME KOREA!)


typicrobots June 13 2011, 16:37:58 UTC
OK, I did a quick scan of the Lie to Me tag on tumblr and I'm officially excited too. There are hints of making out? Lead up to making out? Really I just want more making out, if you can't tell.

I saw that about Lee Minho too! And that was my first thought as well. Only because I feel like there's news about an actor getting hurt during a stunt every other week, and it's never all that serious, so I was really surprised to read that they've stopped production. I think this week's eps are supposed to air as scheduled but next week's eps are undecided. I also saw the car that was wrecked and geez, that did not look like an easy accident to walk away from. I hear they released him from the hospital so that's good. Please don't hurt the pretty.

Secret relationship!!! I think in the previews the dad was all like, "Is this because of a girl?!" I can see them having to hide it from him.


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