Give me extensions or give me death

Aug 08, 2010 02:52

I haven't been updating my three year old extensions post, so I figured it was time for an overhaul.

That's why I spent three hours doing this. )

links: extensions, links

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Comments 27

txvoodoo August 8 2010, 01:17:49 UTC
Have you ever tried Evernote? I love it. I have it on desktop, in Firefox, on the iPad, on my blackberry......


_jems_ August 8 2010, 01:28:27 UTC
I have not! What is it? Sounds like post-it notes, maybe? I use Stickies, but they don't sync between computers, which can be annoying.


txvoodoo August 8 2010, 01:37:49 UTC
It's basically a clipping database. It backs up to their website, you can access it everywhere. YOu can share a 'notebook' as public, too. I save recipes, tech things, links, pdfs, images, phone stuff...TONS of stuff.

I actually signed up for their paid service, I love it so much


_jems_ August 8 2010, 02:18:05 UTC
That sounds interesting, I'll definitely have to check it out.


spectralbovine August 8 2010, 02:10:50 UTC
My favorite new extension is InvisibleHand, which is indispensable for the online shopper. It automatically compares prices and tells you where you can find something for the lowest price. That's how I found Leverage S1 DVDs on eBay for ten bucks cheaper than it was on Amazon.


_jems_ August 8 2010, 02:20:31 UTC
While it sounds good in theory, I think it's probably not the best extension for non-US residents. There are too many variables, starting with "will they even ship something overseas" and ending with possible customs charges.


spectralbovine August 8 2010, 02:45:15 UTC
Yeah, I figured that might be an issue.


lepapillon August 8 2010, 02:34:30 UTC


_jems_ August 8 2010, 12:09:30 UTC
You're welcome!


(The comment has been removed)

_jems_ August 8 2010, 12:10:16 UTC
I hadn't gone looking for MONTHS, but I needed a Chrome extension of some kind and I found a bunch of awesomeness besides. Score!


leucocrystal August 8 2010, 04:22:32 UTC
Wow. Damn you for this post! You're actually making me miss Firefox... enough to even consider reinstalling it for the first time in months.

I hated to make the switch at first (I've been loyal to Firefox for years and years), but it started inexplicably EATING loads of RAM and overheating my laptop. I thought it was just me, but some forum searches proved I was far from alone, so I chose to give up on it and move on to Chrome. I miss extensions a lot, though...


_jems_ August 8 2010, 12:11:43 UTC
But aren't there extension-like things for Chrome too? I haven't bothered investigating since the point of Chrome for me is to keep it as minimal as possible so I can use it quickly and get out, but I'm pretty sure some extensions are available for Chrome as well.


leucocrystal August 8 2010, 12:23:27 UTC
Oh, there definitely are some, and I have the best equivalents I could find installed in mine now. But nowhere near as many as Firefox, of course, and there are some I do still really miss that just don't exist for Chrome.


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