(no subject)

Jan 27, 2010 23:24

From typicrobots:

Keywords: αΩ | ℣ | dysfunctionally functional
they're like gandhi. with child.

Oh man, my perfect little Better Off Ted family! I just love their dynamic to death. Any permeation - Ted and Veronica, Veronica and Rose, Rose and Ted. Everything works, and everything is equally delightful! It makes me sad to think of the three of them never reaching their full potential. Why do they always cancel the good ones? (Is it official yet? I've heard rumblings, but I've been scared to seek out confirmation.)

Keywords: αΩ | ☭ | aversion therapy

I kind of love Britta a lot! In the early days, she was a bit too stereotypical, but for a while now, she's been AMAZING. Pretty much the only time the old apathy returns is when they try to force the Jeff/Britta issue again. I wish they'd stop doing that.

Keywords: αΩ | ☣ | § |

When I first started watching T:TSCC, I thought they'd try to force a Derek/Sarah 'ship, and I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Turns out that they didn't, which I think was brilliant on their part, because it just wouldn't have worked. So, I never really had a Derek 'ship, which was a real shame, because he does the wall!sex thing VERY WELL.

Also, the § in the keywords denotes that this is my 'ship for the show. Unlike pretty much everyone who ever watched this show, Cameron/John didn't do much for me. Probably because I didn't care all that much about John. Who knew that in a show about Sarah and John Connor, the robot(s) and the uncle would turn out to be the awesome ones? Not I, that's for sure!

Keywords: ∞ | p&p | i hate you so much | likewise

I love to hate Caroline Bingley, she's so irredeemably shrewish. And this scene encompases so much of what makes the Regency period fascinating to read about. They HATE each other, and yet, outwardly, civility always wins. Oh, and the way they can just cut each other to ribbons while saying things that sound perfectly amiable is a thing of beauty.

Keywords: ∞ | st | crew

I recently capped Star Trek, and I realized why I was not as enamoured with it as so many on my flist was - I just don't care about Spock. On the first watch, I think I was trying to hard to try to make myself see it from a Spock or Spock/Uhura place, when really they kind of bore me. Now, on the second viewing I kind of really loved Kirk! He has a joie de vivre that really fits in with pretty much every male character I've ever loved. I guess I was just too creeped out by the William Shatner connection to really see Kirk the first time around.

Keywords: αΩ | ☼ |

My sole It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia icon! I've never really been all that in love with it, but I can't delete it until I have a replacement icon, and in order for me to have a replacement icon, I need caps, and in order for me to have caps, I need to buy DVD sets, and it's all just too much to contemplate, so it stays.

If you want me to pick six of your icons, leave a comment.

The Snowpocalypse is upon us, so I'll be working from home for the rest of the week. So I was hoping to get a cap game in at some point. It's been so long that I can't even remember the last time I did one. Remember when I used to do those things almost weekly? Yeah, me neither.

Also, I was sick of winter the day after Christmas, is it over soon? /whine

I'm caught up on almost everything TV. In short:

  • Parks and Recreation season 2 is WORLDS better than season 1. I can see why everyone raves about it so much. In season one, I was afraid Leslie might become Michael Scott v.2, but thankfully, she's gone the other way.
  • I'm getting a bit tired of Castle. Even Nathan Fillion's charm will only take me so far, at some point I need more. And more isn't "forcefed a 'ship I have no interest in". In this case, more would be more daddy/daughter/mother bonding time, because it is BY FAR the best part of the show.
  • I just don't get the raves about The Vampire Diaries. I was bored throughout the eight or so episodes I watched, and I haven't bothered to check if there are any new episodes since we returned from hiatus (though I think I missed one before that, even?). Apparently, I'm missing the awesome, but at this point, I've called off the search. I'm done.
  • The pilot of Life Unexpected was very promising, the second episode less so. I'll definitely give it another few episodes before making any decisions, though.
  • The Big Bang Theory has had a few good episodes this season, but what's really suffered is the characterization of Leonard. What a complete and utter DICK he has been since the very first episode. In the last episode, when he laughed at Penny, I wanted to PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE! Are the writers doing this on purpose? To what end? I don't get the logic behind ruining their lead character, and yet, here they are, doing exactly that.

Right now, I've got White Collar, NCIS, Better Off Ted and Damages all cued up in Zoom Player, so I'm going to tackle some of those before bed.

tv: parks and recreation, tv: castle, rv: life unexpected

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