
Oct 09, 2008 22:10

After a few months of not complete and utter horror, I thought that 2008 might make a comeback and not turn out quite as atrocious as I thought it would be. Well, I guess it was just saving up for this past week, because I can now officially say that 2008 is just a huge ball of SUCK.

I am so ready for this year to be over.

American politics. )

tv: project runway, politics, books

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Comments 21

sourlemonade October 9 2008, 22:20:42 UTC
My assistant manager at work does the best Sarah Palin impression. But I would prefer to watch Tina Fey mock Sarah Palin on SNL than see her actually become Vice President of the USA.

I just can't believe that there are so many Americans who would vote for McCain/Palin after watching George W. Bush fuck up the country for the past 8 years. My parents are voting for the first time in the USA since they became citizens over twenty years ago because they do not want to see another four years of a Republican running the White House.

I looove The Time Traveler's Wife, but it's always bothered me that it's middle-aged Henry that sleeps with Clare when she's 18. But I still love the book.

If Kenley wins Project Runway then I will be throwing things at my TV set. She needs to STFU.


brandyleigh October 9 2008, 22:25:35 UTC
Yeah, it's clear that Palin doesn't know enough about foreign policy to even BS her way through an interview. Which is frightening.

TTTW - I enjoyed most of the book, but what I think creeped me out (or maybe not creeped me out, irritated me is maybe the better word) was how obsessive Clare was over the need to have Henry's child so she wouldn't be 'alone' when he left her to go time traveling. Really bizarre.


harper47 October 10 2008, 00:50:21 UTC
I am completely on the Leanne team. And I thought the same thing - didn't PR Australia just do this? It's kind of embarrassing for the producers.


mangofandango October 10 2008, 01:00:01 UTC
I can't even tell you how much it sucks to be an American who didn't vote for the jackasses in office right now, because I am terrified of the America that just might vote McCain/Palin into office...on TOP of my general shame for my country.



superplin October 10 2008, 02:03:46 UTC
1. Agreed about McCain. But you know what angers me most about Palin? It's not even that she holds repugnant-to-me views and is ignorant. It's that she thinks her ignorance is a feature, not a bug; that it makes her a "maverick" and a "Washington outsider," rather than just a person too dumb to even realize just how dangerous that kind of ignorance is in the position she's running for ( ... )


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