(no subject)

Jun 09, 2008 02:20

I've finally started my Farscape rewatch. Started last night and right now I'm watching DNA Mad Scientist.

That's the good part about rewatches - any episodes you can do without you can just have on in the background while doing other stuff. For me, that other stuff consisted mainly of putting up a blog on my site, for posting cap updates. Mainly, I'll be using it to keep a running tab of what episodes I'll need to upload the main caps page with, but in case anyone else is interested in knowing when I upload caps, I created an LJ feed of the blog: jemscapsfeed.

I'll probably keep posting here too, the only difference is that there, the sole purpose of the post will be to link to the caps. Here, I'll tack it on to whatever I post next - even if that happens to be weeks later. So, you know, business as usual.

Speaking of tacking things on, the caps:

3×01 Season of Death
3×12 Meltdown
(Can you spot the theme? ;-)

9×10 The One With Christmas in Tulsa

tv: farscape, caps, links, site: leavemethewhite

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