Finale Round-Up

May 20, 2008 22:32

Work has been INSANE lately, which is why I'm not around right now. After a hellish work day yesterday, I treated myself this afternoon by watching some TV.

In the order that I watched:

How I Met Your Mother
It never entered my mind for even a moment that this wasn't what they were going for. While I agree with everyone that last week's episode was barely filler, I never quite understood why everyone was so damn disappointed with the aftermath of Barney and Robin's hookup. Maybe it's because I don't want them to use up all their AWESOME in just a handful of episodes. I'd much rather drag this thing out for a while.

I am seriously crossing my fingers for at least half a season's worth of dirty wooing, because how awesome would it be to actually see Barney focused on one thing only: Robin. She may as well have a target on her back.

I'm sorry, was there anything else that happened aside from BARNEY LOVES ROBIN? Because I totally missed it, whatever it was.

This was a conversation I had with a friend when we had lunch on Saturday [Well, paraphrased. And translated.]:

ME: So, all the shows are ending. But at least there's still the Bones finale left. [I dont' think she watches the other stuff I watch on Mondays.]
HER: REALLY? I thought the last one was the finale.
ME: It wasn't. I was surprised myself, but then I realized I'd heard Gorgamon's apprentice would be revealed in the finale, so I shouldn't have been. Who do you think it'll be? I'm thinking Sweets, but he seems almost TOO obvious.
HER: Sweets? Never even entered my mind. But you're right, it could be him.
ME: The only other one who's the right age is *description of who Zach is on the show since I couldn't even remember his name. Which should clue you in as to how invested I am in characters who are not Booth and Brennan*, but I can't see it being him.
HER: Me neither.

So the only issue I had with the episode was the lack of interesting foreshadowing. I totally buy that Zach is weak enough to be bamboozled by Gorgamon. *shrug*

Also, there was Booth in a tub! Reading Green Lantern! With a refreshing lack of puritan modesty!

Sorry, I've just gotta spam a teensy bit.

Hahaha! I love that after Brennan leaves, he puts a rubber duckie on his knee!

Also, there was this:


Gossip GIrl
Oh, if only this show didn't have Dan and Serena and Nate and Vanessa and Jenny and, and, and... I think you know where I'm going with this. Anytime Chuck and Blair weren't on the screen I stopped paying attention.

I feel like I'm not really ready to commit to watching season 2, even though Chuck/Blair was handled pretty much as it should have been. It'll make an excellent jumping off point for the fall, and is fabulous fic fodder for the summer [except I don't actually read fic for this show. But I might be convinced to start if there's some sort of epic series involving Chuck hijacking his father's jet upon its return and following in Blair's footsteps all over the French Riviera, trying to make her forget all about his father's henchman, who she's having a torrid fling with.]

Anyway, somehow it feels like the energy-draining boredom that accompanies all-scenes-not-chuck-and-blair might just be enough to make me think season 2 just won't be worth it.

However, one thing in this episode really did make me sit up and go WTF?!!! This:

What the hell is that?! [I mean, I know what it is, but WHY is it there?]

And then it's gone...

The Office
Let me just tell you something about myself to preface this: I'm not a huge fan of marriage, and on-screen, elaborate proposals make me cringe. Pretty much the only proposal I've ever liked [even as it did make me cringe from embarrassment] was Chandler and Monica's. Mostly because it exemplified what I feel marriage should be about [but rarely is]: partnership. My very favorite wedding story is my best friend's sister [actually, the person I was having the Bones conversation with], who one day asked my best friend to "help [her] out with something on Friday". They meet outside city hall and it turns out that what she needed help with was a witness at her wedding. I HATE the elaborate American weddings, the ones that have to be so perfect and where everyone spends tons of money and effort on one day, in many cases completely ignoring the relationship that's going to follow. To this day I kind of love Oprah for having the attitude that she doesn't want a wedding when too many people ignore the fact that it's the marriage that's the important part, not the event itself.

Wow, long disclaimer. ANYHOO! All this to say that I felt Pam was being really silly when she got so upset at the end there. Also, I can't believe Jim was going to propose like that, in front of everyone! If they had gone up to the roof and had a private moment I probably would have liked it, but as it was, I was relieved that nothing came of it.

Also, I really disliked the last few seconds, because I think it really did Angela's character a disservice. It's one thing to be uptight and critical of everyone. It's quite another to be hypocritical about it. My only hope is that she told Andy she couldn't marry him before that happened, but let's just say I'm not holding my breath on that one.

However, I liked pretty much everything else, so yay?!

tv: bones, picspam, tv: gossip girl, tv: office, tv: how i met your mother

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