The Week from Hell

Mar 17, 2008 00:05

Yeah, so I haven't posted in a week. Reasons include:

My work computer going belly-up on Tuesday, followed by two days of frantic work to restore it as much as possible (while doing my actual work in the evenings).

Then a phone call around lunch on Thursday, wherein I find out that a truck of some sort had apparently backed into my parked car. I spent the majority of the day dealing with insurance and the like. Nice of the guilty party to call and all, but this means I'll be out a car for probably a week.

Friday, I just left the house because I couldn't take it anymore. Spent the day with my father, helping him remodel an apartment. Bought a new computer (OMG! SO FAST!), but just couldn't handle the massive undertaking of getting everything working and left it for Saturday.

Saturday I spent ALL DAY setting it up.

Today I did the work I should have done on Friday had I not been so frustrated I would have shot someone had they tried to force me to work indisposed, as well as finishing the installation of the computer with miscellaneous crap.

Now, here's the capper on the week from hell. The very last thing I installed was PowerDVD, only guess what? I find out I cannot cap. *headdesk* I mean, the program does cap, but I can't advance frame-by-frame and that's kind of crucial for the way I cap. How will I be able to live without capping?!

I'm gonna have to see if my old computer is salvageable enough that I can at least use it for just this one thing. Unless someone else has had the same problem and found a fix? Except I have a feeling it's not Vista or PowerDVD, but the video card. LOVELY.

Thank goodness next week is Easter. If I can manage it, I think I'm going to take Wednesday-Monday off (that's only 1½ vacation days!).

When I'm less annoyed by, you know, LIFE, I'm gonna have to update my extensions post with some fabulous new extensions I found (sneak preview: Organize Search Engines. OMG, where have you been all my life?! LOVE!).

ranting is an underrated art form, personal, links: extensions, links

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