Model answers

Mar 08, 2008 00:49

Three caps have not been guessed correctly. All three movies have been used in previous games, so I uploaded the cap I used instead of the one that was languishing in my Scrapbook and displayed them next to the unguessed cap.


Stand By Me
Reason for exclusion: Too easy (and keep in mind that when I say "too easy" I don't mean it's obvious, only that I try to pick caps that are pretty difficult so that not every cap is guessed within the first ten minutes of me putting the game up. I often spend a couple of hours capping before a game, I'd hate for them all to be guessed in only a fraction of that time.)


Gorillas in the Mist
Reason for exclusion: Just used another cap. I felt both were about equally difficult.


LA Confidential
Reason for exclusion: Had another cap.


Fight Club
Reason for exclusion: Waaaay too easy.


The Piano
Reason for exclusion: Too easy.


The Brothers Grimm
Reason for exclusion: Had another cap.


The Truman Show
Reason for exclusion: Thought it would be too difficult, but I'm thinking that with all the people who got it right, that wasn't the case. Or maybe people just really like The Truman Show.


That's right - ZOOLANDER
Reason for exclusion: Too generic. Which was proven by people guessing about 20 different movies, but not the correct one.


Requiem for a Dream
Reason for exclusion: Too difficult. I was right! But then again, the cap I picked instead wasn't guessed either, so...


The Fifth Element
Reason for exclusion: Haha, I forgot to put this into the last game. After a couple of people had answered I suddenly thought to myself: "Hey, where's the Fifth Element cap?" Me=SMRT!!!


Down With Love
Reason for exclusion: Too generic.


Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Reason for exclusion: Too easy.


Dead Again
Reason for exclusion: Too easy.


The Commitments
Reason for exclusion: Too difficult.


Reason for exclusion: Too easy. Steve Martin's body language is way too recognizable.

And while I'm here, how about that Make Me a Supermodel show?

It is really time for Ben to go. Strike that. It's waaaaay past time for Ben to go.

I mean, sure, I think part of it is probably the editing, because I think no one behind the show wants Ben there anymore, he's far outstayed his welcome. And yes, I too would be horribly uncomfortable selling the clothes off my back to people, but you know what? I'M NOT TRYING TO BECOME A SUPERMODEL! Ben has this mental block that isn't allowing him to figure this out, and I don't think he's going to get over it anytime soon.

Of course, I'm pretty sure the Ben/Ronnie fans will keep them on the show and Casey will go home. Which I'm also fine with. While Casey is probably the nicest guy on the show (I'm not sure WHAT Holly was yammering on about, because I sure haven't seen anything bad coming from that quarter), I don't like his look. I think his eyes are beady, and too close-set.

Perry's attitude with his girlfriend creeps me out. Sure, in this episode it was justified that he'd be paranoid and needy, but it's still borderline stalkerish and I can totally see him as someone who'd kill an ex-girlfriend in a fit of rage.

Shannon came across as really bitchy in this episode, am I right? I don't know, I have nothing against her, even after the bitchy episode, but I'm definitely not rooting on her to win. I just don't get supermodel vibes from her.

My prediction for the final three: Holly, Shannon and Ronnie. But I think for me personally, it's going to come down to Holly vs. Ronnie.

In the end, I think what cinches it for me is Holly's walk. I don't think there's a single person in the competition who can even touch her when it comes to the catwalk. She looks like a supermodel up there - the others don't.

games: answers, tv: make me a supermodel

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