Canada rocks! Prison Break? Not so much.

Oct 10, 2007 18:50

I just feel that I have to chime in on Prison Break happenings, even though I'm not watching it this season. I read this article on, and this is how they sum it up:

"So, there you have it. Michael and Sara's love story was cut short over a frakkin' contract dispute."

And you know what? That's not at all what I got from that article. What I got was that THEY WERE PLANNING TO KILL HER ANYWAY. I, for one, am actually glad that Sarah Wayne Callies decided not to come back, since it means I won't have to sit through a few episodes of having her back AND THEN HAVE HER DIE ANYWAY!

I really don't get how they can kill off their only female character. Just... What are they thinking?!


Pushing Daisies

If possible, I loved the second episode MORE than the pilot (and don't even get me started on how long it took me to get the whole "Pie-lette" thing). Probably because you could see what the episodes would be like, and they're exactly like the pilot. And that's exactly what I want!

I know a lot of people don't like voiceovers/narration, but I've never really minded them much. As long as they're not enforcing The Stupid onscreen, but even then I tend to think that the problem is with the show, not the narration. But with this show the narration is essential, at least for me. It's what makes it seem that much more like a fairy tale, and the narrator they hired is perfect for the part.

Things I didn't love:


Anytime those two got too close I almost had a heart attack.

Things I loved include, but are not limited to:

Emerson knitting!


Olive going SPLAT!

Musical interludes!


Chuck being pretty


Clever use of plastic dividers


Even though I don't really care all that much about Ned and Chuck as a couple, this episode reassured me that I find them cute, and they're not going to stretch it out for the sake of stretching it out. The kissing through the suits? Adorable. As was the handholding.

If they did this for the entire first season (until Chuck inevitably finds out about her father towards the end), I'll enjoy it. And if it goes into an angst-filled season 2, that's fine and dandy too. However, past that I really can't see it, because if there's no chance whatsoever of full-on MACKING, then what's the point? ;-)


The caps are uploaded here.

picspam, tv: pushing daisies, picspam: pushing daisies, tv: prison break

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