Gone sailing

Aug 29, 2007 00:44

So, since this is the last time I'll go sailing this year (unless I decide to fly down to the Mediterranean before New Years) I decided to take some pictures.


the sailing was glorious on saturday and we got the boat up to what is basically its top (sustainable) speed, so i took a picture for posterity. unfortunately, i missed the second or two when it got up to over 10 knots!


as you can see up ahead on östra saxarfjärden, sailing is very popular around these parts.

the calm before the storm.

(we had to turn on the engine and the wind was so nonexistent that the sail turned inside out.)

the autohelm may show a heading of 199 degrees, but the compass actually reads 300 degrees. none of us have been able to figure out how to change the heading on the autohelm. because we suck.

so, in order to get back to stockholm we have to round vaxholm, so we pass right by vaxholm castle, which always makes my father tell the story of how Helmuth von Moltke only laughed twice in his life. once when his mother-in-law died and the other when he saw vaxholm castle (this is funnier if you know that the castle was actually built to be a defensive position on the sea route to stockholm).

so we turn towards stockholm and this is the sight that greets us.

within minutes we're right in the middle of it. but strangely enough, while winds got ferocious for about ten minutes, we only got scattered raindrops for about two.

i kept looking around for a rainbow and was rewarded with not just one...

...but two.

due to our impeccable timing we passed all these ships in the span of about 15 minutes.

this statue by carl milles stands at nacka strand, at the entrance to stockholm

i've hardly seen any swans this summer and i was wondering where they all were. turns out they were hiding on djurgården (i counted 17 swans in this flock before i had to concentrate on navigating the boat)

In case you're curious, here's a map of the Stockholm archipelago.

If I wasn't so tired I'd try to figure out my TV schedule for the fall. CAT has added TDS and TCR and my schedule suddenly looks impossibly full even though the fall season hasn't even started. Of course, I tend to start watching a lot of shows, but then end up with very few by season's end.

In other news, I got Dexter season 1 and Heroes season 1 in the last week, so what am I watching, you ask? Why ER season 1, of course. Duh!

(Earlier today I backed up all my public entries to JournalFen, so I'll be crossposting to that journal now as well.)

picspam: personal, picspam

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