The Office

May 18, 2007 17:45

picspam, tv: office

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Comments 41

sowell May 18 2007, 15:39:28 UTC
You caught the Pam Face of Death By Happiness and the Ryan Face of Evil Triumph. My day is very much complete.


_jems_ May 18 2007, 16:01:25 UTC
Those are two very good faces to end the season on.


naty_ May 18 2007, 15:46:52 UTC
I love the little tease we got of Dwight's regime, with secret assistant Pam, proud Angela, and the black office of intimidation.

Temp's gone corporate!


_jems_ May 18 2007, 16:03:38 UTC
Angela's face when Dwight takes charge? Priceless. She's all "now look how much ass my boyfriend will kick."

I can totally buy temp as a corporate lackey. It's the mid-level sales role that he felt was beneath him (even if he sucked at it).


weirdgirlie May 18 2007, 15:52:30 UTC
Now I kinda want to go through Beach Day with a fine-toothed comb to see if I can spot Ryan talking on the phone in the background in any of the scenes.

They really pulled a 'GOTCHA' on us, huh?

I was still grinning when they put Ryan on screen. :)

Thank you for this picspam! :)


_jems_ May 18 2007, 16:05:20 UTC
I was definitely not expecting THAT. I figure Rashida probably would have gotten the job if she had stayed on next year, but with her new pilot that isn't going to happen.

You're welcome, glad you enjoyed it!


weirdgirlie May 18 2007, 16:34:47 UTC
I'd go further and say that it was a good surprise.

Because I was also thinking Rashida would have gotten the job, with all the Pam&Jim going on.

Pam was so beautiful throughout the episode. Oh, and I almost forgot, finally they got rid of the wig. :)


squirrelgirl28 May 18 2007, 15:53:07 UTC
I loved this, and I loved this episode. So many great moments. If I could have one thing next season it would be more Pam and Dwight interaction. Hey maybe Jim and Pam could go on a double date with Dwight and Angela?


_jems_ May 18 2007, 16:06:52 UTC
Hey maybe Jim and Pam could go on a double date with Dwight and Angela?
They probably could, couldn't they? Because Jim knows now, and Pam's always known.


evergleam83 May 18 2007, 15:58:34 UTC
You got it! That face! I will now spend the rest of my Friday afternoon staring at that last set of Pam caps. THANK YOU! :)

I still have no coherent thoughts about that episode. I can't wait for the fic to start rolling in. :)


_jems_ May 18 2007, 16:08:12 UTC

I'm actually anxious for fic too, even though I don't read much of it in this fandom.


evergleam83 May 18 2007, 16:14:37 UTC
Oh, man, how much does it suck that she has to spend most of her hiatus in bed?

I spent the entire summer break last year reading nothing but Office fic. I have a feeling this summer's not going to be much different. :p


_jems_ May 18 2007, 16:23:28 UTC
For me, it's the same way I am with Farscape - I don't feel the show needs fic. I've never read a Farscape fic (okay, ONE crossover), but I have read some Office fic, simply because I know there are good writers writing the stuff. I'm pretty sure there are good Farscape fic writers too, but I don't know them from their other writing. Or, at least, I didn't, back when I watched it for the first time.

Poor Jenna, that's gotta suck a whole lot.


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