A List in Eight Parts

Apr 10, 2007 01:49

I can't seem to post often enough not to make huge posts, so I thought a numbered list would help.

  1. For those who are interested, I recently saw that LiveJournal would be offering permanent accounts sometime soon. Me, I'm paid up for three more years, so I'm going to pass.
  2. My whole movie revival thing has extended to capping, it seems. This ( Read more... )

caps, tv: office, tv: amazing race, tv: top design, dvds

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Comments 33

cindergal April 10 2007, 00:15:49 UTC
Every time I watch Top Design I keep thinking of how much better Design Star did it - which frankly shocks me. Although Todd Oldham has improved, I hate all the judges. And when Jonathan Adler says "see ya later decorater" at the end of the show, I want to bang his head against the floor. :-)

I'm actually looking forward to Shear Genius. I mean, they're going to be messing with people's hair. I look forward to much hysterical crying and rending of clothing from the poor, poor clients. *g*


_jems_ April 10 2007, 00:21:45 UTC
I'm not sure if Design Star did it better, but it did it at least as well and I was expecting Top Design to be a cut above, you know? Plus, I hate the way they edit it, with the judging taking up almost half the show. I'd rather watch more building mishaps/carpenter issues.

Oh right, I saw a promo for Shear Genius (I did not recognize Jaclyn Smith at first, she got old all of a sudden!) and it might be worth a go, I'm just unsure of how they're going to stretch hair-cutting into a 40 minute show.


cindergal April 10 2007, 01:13:48 UTC
Yes, I guess what I meant were that the judges were so much better. And I remember us discussing this before, about how the two shows were so similar - do I guess Design Star gets points for doing it first. :-)

BTW, I haven't seen DS winner David's new show yet, but I think it's on tonight.


_jems_ April 10 2007, 09:28:22 UTC
Yes, the judges, and the especially the judging, were miles better. While I like the female judge who works for Elle Decor, she hardly ever says anything (but when she does I get the feeling that she's got a bit of a bite to her), and the judges least suited for talking are left to their own devices. Jonathan Adler has this insipid voice that drives me nuts.

I doubt I'll ever find a torrent of that show, but I'd love to see it, and see how well he does. As I recall, his biggest problem was working in front of the camera, but he was hands down the best decorator of the bunch.


uptheapples April 10 2007, 01:05:40 UTC
I don't watch TAR, but I was in Bloomingdales in NYC the other day and Joyce and Uchenna were there shopping for fancy clothes. Or, she was shopping, and he was standing there looking really bored.

As much as I like your "Office" idea, I think I might die if I don't get to see them finally get together.


_jems_ April 10 2007, 09:02:07 UTC
I've never been a big fan of U&J, though I think a lot of that may be because I loved Rob & Amber to distraction and felt that U&J only won because they got lucky.

The problem with The Office is that we're never going to get more than glimpses of them anyway, so why not do something interesting with those glimpses? The reveal would of course be catching them in a compromising position, but can you imagine finding out something like that and then going back through all the episodes and trying to see the signs? Not to mention, like I said, the fic.


uptheapples April 10 2007, 09:14:04 UTC
I guess I'm just greedy. I need...something. "The Office" is steadily killing me, and I'd like to finally have something happen.

Have you read warning_signs?


_jems_ April 10 2007, 09:19:04 UTC
What I need most of all is for Karen to break up with Jim (or vice versa, but I prefer Karen doing it). Jim and Pam can wait, the break-up can't.

My P&P fic obsession has left me a bit behind, so I still have annakovsky's latest installment open in a tab, but yes, I'm following the series.


thecolorbetween April 10 2007, 01:22:45 UTC
I'm extra excited because I read a post that planted the idea of Jim and Pam having a fight. That's exactly what I want for the finale, a big ole knock-down, drag-out fight where everything comes out. I want them to go at each other, tear each other to pieces, make each other cry.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yessss. Do you have that post handy for linking? I'd love to read it. I keep waiting for a fight. I think the only difference for me is that I hope it leads to their realizing how they feel more quickly. While I still haven't decided when I think they should become a couple, more and more of the fandom is starting to think that things are taking too long (I think some of it boils down to the fact that their relationship this season is not what is was last season).


_jems_ April 10 2007, 09:04:53 UTC
It was basically just an off-hand comment about "the fight we've all been waiting for" on Give Me My Remote that made me realize that that's exactly what I've been waiting for, I just didn't know it.

I don't the Jim/Pam thing taking so long, but I do mind the Jim/Karen break-up dragging on and on and on... It makes me like Jim less and I don't liking Jim less.


popzealot April 10 2007, 02:51:02 UTC
I spent a fortune on pirated DVDs of My So Called Life. Ugh.
If they release Freaks I'll die, if only because it was never properly broadcast here, so I've only seen like, 2 episodes. Squeeee!

Also, everything you said about The Office - yes please - that would get me so enthused about the show again.


_jems_ April 10 2007, 09:09:23 UTC
I was thinking it might also help Americans who want the DVDs, because the DVDs are out of circulation at this point and it would actually be cheaper to buy the region 2 DVDs and a region free DVD player/DVD region free program for the computer. Or at least the same price, and then you can buy all regions in the future. Not that that's a big concern in the US, but I know I love having the option of buying any region I want.

I can't believe how excited I am about the idea of Jim and Pam duking it out. I think it's because they're always so repressed, with Pam being mousy and never speaking up for herself, and Jim's capability of being petty and mean. I kinda need them to clear the air.


asterisks April 10 2007, 03:07:14 UTC
The ideas for 'The Office' are ones that I love entirely. If the storyline goes that way, I'll be a very happy shipper.

By the way, where did you see the permanent account thing? I might be interested if the price is right. I'm only paid through this year anyways, so it's not like I'd be losing much money.


_jems_ April 10 2007, 09:13:47 UTC
You and me both!

I think I saw it in the latest news letter (maybe in news? Or paid_members?) They said they'd be doing it in a month or two, but I know that they don't warn you at all, they just announce it and give you a couple of days to buy it. If I recall correctly, the last time they offered permanent accounts they were 150 dollars.


_jems_ April 10 2007, 09:14:39 UTC
Oh, also? I think you can donate the paid time you have left to anyone you want.


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