The Internet is for Porn

Jan 08, 2007 20:53

So, Signe's Porn Battle is in full swing once again. This time there's also a soundtrack, so go contribute your favorite sexy music. My contributions:

Portishead - Music to Fuck to
Avenue Q - The Internet is for Porn
Pulp - This is Hardcore
I'm actually amazed that I managed to find songs that were so fitting just by looking for This is Hardcore. I ( Read more... )

caps, tv: black donnellys, icons, tv: office, the internet is for porn, dl-ing

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Comments 34

moireach January 8 2007, 19:59:04 UTC
I have such a strong urge to picspam Pam smiling

Oh, man, I would looove that. Especially after this week's ep.

YAY more DVD caps! You win life.


_jems_ January 8 2007, 20:12:09 UTC
And her smiles in these episodes I've been capping are amazing too! In season 1 I had such a hard time with capping her because she wasn't very expressive, but she really comes alive in season 2.


moireach January 8 2007, 20:14:14 UTC
I LOVE how much Jenna and John can make Jim and Pam light up around one another. And it's so good because it stands out against the total blahness of their work-related expressions. (Ha, could I be more eloquent?)


_jems_ January 8 2007, 20:23:33 UTC
Capping season 2 has reminded me so much of how Jim used to look at Pam, and man, I MISS THAT. And now Pam looks at Jim that way and ARGH! I just wish they'd look at each other that way.

Much as I love the progression, a bit of instant gratification wouldn't be unwelcome at this point if you know what I mean.


typicrobots January 8 2007, 20:22:27 UTC
but I find it extremely hard to pare my user pics down to half.
It's more than half! Someone just told me that non-extra userpics is only 30 icons. Thirty! That means I'd have to delete EIGHTY-THREE icons. My heart, it breaks.

My six, since it may come down to that, apparently.

... )


_jems_ January 8 2007, 20:28:44 UTC
I thought they'd upped it to fifty! But even so, as far as I know you get to keep the ones you have on top of the 100, as well. I have 132 spots now, which would shake out to 62, unless my math skills have abandoned me.

I was completely okay with the six, but the problem there is that there's no room for rotation, so what would be the point of making icons if the only result would be having to delete one you loved?

Love your choices, by the way. Though, as I'm sure I've told you before, I still have a great deal of love for this icon:

... )


xanis January 8 2007, 21:01:42 UTC
I downloaded Music to fuck to. Sweet song. Thanks!


_jems_ January 8 2007, 22:04:27 UTC


bellanut January 8 2007, 21:07:57 UTC
I can't do it! I can't even pick just six theoretically. I went back to having only six for a while there and it was not fun. I can't even really explain how not fun it was. There was a whole element of LJ that was missing. I had no idea I enjoyed them so much until then. But I can tell you that your Guy Motherfucker icon would be amongst the six if I really had to choose right now. It's my favourite of the moment. And I doubt I'll ever stop using my default icon. I love having something so different that no one else has.

Hooray for more TO caps! You're more than half way through!


_jems_ January 8 2007, 22:08:10 UTC
You know, whittling it down to just bare bones wasn't that hard, because there are those icons that I love so much that I can't imagine parting with them right now. But having to choose between the mid-level icons, that's not as easy, at least not for me.

I associate you so much with your default icon, so you'd better not delete. Like, ever. *g*

It's going pretty fast capping these episodes. I guess I'm so used to the hour-long shows that even though I've ended up with a lot of caps it still doesn't feel like such a chore.


unhappyending January 8 2007, 21:38:25 UTC
I really hope they don't change the music in TBD. Because that song just made everything so much more awesome.


_jems_ January 8 2007, 22:09:33 UTC
Yeah. I mean, the sequence is incredibly powerful anyway, but the song just gives it that little extra that makes it amazing.


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