Why is it that you always want to watch the stuff you've loaned out? Today I, in rapid succession, wanted to watch Firefly, Serenity and Green Wing. All on loan. All to the same person.
Instead I watched a new British show I found called Jane Hall. It's okay, I guess, but the real treat is watching people you know from other shows (I love how insenstuous the British TV industry is. Much like the Swedish TV industry). Guy from Green Wing plays one of the main characters. Only he's, like, the anti-Guy. All touchy-feely and nice. I'm a bit creeped out to tell you the truth. And then we have Mickey of Doctor Who fame. He hangs upside down from a window naked. All in all a good time.
I've been keeping a vigilant eye on my flist for download links for the version of O Holy Night that played on Studio 60 on Monday, and
jesouhaite47 came through with the goods. Yay!
buffyx wrote
a post about Dick and other VM stuff that I almost completely agree with. I'm not in complete agreement, because I am not, in fact, writing Taylor fic.