VM 3x08

Nov 22, 2006 20:34

Let's start with a question: shouldn't it be "Lord of the Pis" in order to be grammatically correct? Does anyone know the official spelling?

I'd also like to add that I feel completely out of step with most of my flist. Mostly because while I have issues with Veronica, I don't think she sucks right now. In fact, if this actually is an arc (please oh please let there be an arc!), I think she's right where she should be. If it isn't, and what we're supposed to take from all that's happening right now is that "Veronica only needs to be snarky and kick-ass, screw all that depth and stuff", well, then I reserve the right to change my mind. So there!

God, I really hope it's not a non-arc like last year. Although! I still think Veronica is Veronica this year. In season 2 I could hardly recognize her at times, but this season I do. Whether I will still like her when it's over is another matter entirely. Right now I feel mostly pity for the person who's well on her way to becoming someone with no emotional attachments in her life because she's too afraid to take a chance on anyone.

Okay, on with the show!

Hey, you know what I like to do when I've had my hair ripped out and am desperately trying to hide it from my father? That's right, part it right where the bald patch is!

Logan wins!

Honestly, since Donut Run I've been on the fence about Veronica's and Keith's relationship. The supposed deep bond doesn't feel so deep when there's a rift and both parties forget about it after just one episode, with one person implicitly trusting for no reason and the other breaking that trust left and right.

It's just...Keith doesn't even know that Veronica was raped! She's keeping the fact that she was physically injured from him. She lies to him all the time about where she is. And he just forgives and forgets. You know what I think? I think he's afraid to actually start looking at who she's become because he's afraid he won't like what he finds. So he turns a blind eye. I'm kind of over it to tell you the truth.

Did you guys notice? Not a single curl! I actually enjoyed most of her hairstyles this episode, even if the kerchief ones were a bit odd. Also, in Swedish I would call those "snusnäsduk", and the combination of snuff+kerchief doesn't conjure up any nice images, trust me.

I don't get Lamb's characterization this season. Caring about his job? Sharing information with Veronica? NOT caring about his job when there's someone rich involved? WHAT?!

I miss the mansions. *sigh*

Now this felt like Lamb.

I kinda sorta loved the scenes with Dick. And then I have to shake it off and remind myself what a repugnant repungent human being he is.

This is what I like to call the "um, what?" section

The acting (directing?) choices here really baffled me.

Logan is right, they do know each other. Veronica can't hide from him the way she hides from everyone else (including Wallace and Keith, even though they get access to her in ways that Logan doesn't).

The tears are what convinced me that she does love him.

But here's the thing, one of the first things we learned about Veronica is that she "doesn't believe in love". And now she's suddenly in love with someone and she's scared of what that means for her.

At this point I think Veronica is going to do the only thing she thinks she can do to protect her heart: run like hell.

I know a lot of people read this as "Veronica doesn't love Logan", but I don't think Veronica would ever tell Logan she loved him if she didn't. Only problem now is that she has to bury that feeling so deep that it can't hurt her.

Feel free to point and mock at the end of the season when I'm proven irrevocably wrong. Or, if you're feeling generous you could always write me the fic where that happens!

Now for promo talk!

I found some version on YouTube, but I don't think it was the same as the one you guys saw, because the whole "LoVe divided by Piz" thing wasn't there. Also, can the promo monkeys please not dip their toe in the fandom pool of crazy? We're trying to keep it contained here! (And I say that as someone who still finds LoVe amusing, at least in an abstract way.)

The party scene with Logan and Veronica, did anyone else get that fanfic vibe where Logan cheats on purpose in order to get Veronica to break up with him because he's too weak to do it? No? Just me then. Veronica crying in the shower felt like it would be the aftermath of that scene (because I don't even want to contemplate another rape attempt).

The "someone will die" VO made absolutely no sense to me until I saw that we got a split-second shot of Veronica's criminology professor and the Dean's wife kissing. I'm betting she's the one who ends up dead and that that will be the next mystery. And I'm really hoping that Wallace "hit that", as he would say, because I would find it entirely plausible and it would mean he'd be a suspect in the next cycle and would actually have a (dare I say it?) purpose! *gasp* I know! Don't all faint at once.

ETA: Album link. *headdesk*

picspam, tv: veronica mars season 3

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