Comment stalking for the win!

Oct 17, 2006 20:12

So, comment stalking has once again paid off, and I now have a script that has useful links from the LJ user icon menu. And I found a few more that I just had to install. All of them:

  • LJ useful user popup. The one I already mentioned. I don't like that it disables the actual user icon, so when LJ starts linking the user icon from their own menu ( ( Read more... )

tv: studio 60, tv: heroes, tv: amazing race, links

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Comments 47

moireach October 17 2006, 18:20:59 UTC
Lauren Graham will be in next week's episode and the preview looks so great I might explode and die. Why can't this be The Lauren Graham Show? Why can't everything be The Lauren Graham Show?

... ahem.


_jems_ October 17 2006, 18:27:15 UTC
Oh, that makes me feel so much better. I actually thought they'd gotten her and then wasted her on THAT.

Considering I haven't watched GG this season (I'm marathoning it if I get a sense that they're going in the right direction. It doesn't help that I don't particularly like Chris) I really felt cheated out of my Lauren fix with that appearance.


beatkicks October 17 2006, 18:23:05 UTC
This post is great! Thank you. =D


_jems_ October 17 2006, 18:28:27 UTC
I'm assuming you mean the Greasemonkey scripts? I noticed that I'd linked directly to the scripts except for the first one, I'm going to change the links to the site instead.


spectralbovine October 17 2006, 18:27:03 UTC
One thing that really annoys me are the collapsed threads on entries with more than 50 comments, but with this script you can open them up "in situ", as it were. You can open specific threads (without being redirected to another page) or open all of them! LOVE!
Duuuude! Okay, how does this work? This whole Greasemonkey JavaScript thing kinda scares me.

Why did they have Lauren Graham guest star and then have her do nothing? Is she coming back?
She's on next week, too, and it looks like she actually gets to do stuff. A little more stuff, at least. This was just setup, I guess.

I don't know why, but I just love this show. It's fun and interesting and I really enjoy the pacing so far.

I was a little consternated by the mention of the heroes banding together to save Claire in several entries on my flist, though. Was that something from the previews or did I zone out at a bad time? It's in the promos. It's actually been in the promos from, like, the beginning, but it's apparently finally going to be made explicit next week. And I agree ( ... )


_jems_ October 17 2006, 18:39:43 UTC
I linked the Greasemonkey extension in the entry. Install that, reboot your Firefox and then click the link to the script and select the Install button. I love being able to open the comment threads all on one page instead of having to go back and forth between threads.

It's in the promos. It's actually been in the promos from, like, the beginning, but it's apparently finally going to be made explicit next week.
Ah, that explains it then. I never get the promos unless I actively search them out and who wants to do that? They're called promo monkeys for a reason.*nods*

I've loved Hiro since the beginning and I'm not about to change my mind just because others love him too. He's very loveable!


spectralbovine October 17 2006, 19:00:53 UTC

It takes a while to load all the individual threads, but it's definitely easier than clicking them all individually! That's so hot! And it's also really, really nice for archiving purposes.

I'm confused on how the "new comments" one works, though.


_jems_ October 17 2006, 19:05:16 UTC
The New Comments script remembers how many comments you've seen on a certain entry, and displays the number both on your journal (and flist) and on any entry. It also lets you jump to any new comment if you press N on your keyboard. Very good for comment stalkers like myself.

I noticed that it takes a while, but so does loading a new page and this saves you the back and forth confusion.


thatlldopig October 17 2006, 18:28:17 UTC
Lauren will be guest starring next week, too. Yay for that!


_jems_ October 17 2006, 18:40:18 UTC
Yay indeed! =)


lauresque October 17 2006, 18:40:23 UTC
re: Heroes

yeah, that Claire stuff was in the promo. the really kinda hilarious promo, actually.


_jems_ October 17 2006, 18:49:48 UTC
Hilarious on purpose or hilariously stupid? Most of the time I'm really glad we don't get promos with torrents, but sometimes they're actually good!


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