It's poll time!

Aug 16, 2006 14:29

I'm genuinely confused by KB's quote in TV guide. For those who haven't seen it, here is the part that's got me confused:

"I want to see a man who steps up to the plate and stops screwing around as Logan does. If my boyfriend were sleeping with another woman at the same time, I'd be like, "See ya." But for some reason Veronica hangs around."

As far as I can see there are only two explanations:
  • KB got confused by the various timelines in NitW (because she only read the script, and maybe even only read her own part) and thinks that Logan was with Kendall before Veronica broke up with him, or...
  • KB has radically redefined the definition of "boyfriend" to include "guy who pours out his feelings only to have girl run off because she can't handle it".

Poll Logan cheated? Where was I?

Personally, I prefer the NitW option because it explains why I always felt that KB's acting choices in her scenes with Logan during the first half of season 2 were extremely off. Also, even if KB only reads her own lines, upon her return the morning after prom, she even says that she's not ready to "dive back into anything", so she's stated, in character, that Logan is not Veronica's boyfriend.

However, as cacanina pointed out, she says that "for some reason Veronica sticks around", which would indicate that she thinks the alleged infidelity is something that Veronica would know about, but Veronica broke up with Logan for entirely different reasons in NitW.

So, does anyone have the slightest clue what the hell she's talking about?

As for the "KB is allowed to have her own opinions" ruccus, I completely agree, she is allowed her own opinions as long as it doesn't affect her performance (and as you can see, I already think it has affected her performance). But at the same time, I find it weird to have opinions when you don't have all the facts.

Look, I can say that I have the opinion that both season finales of Lost sucked and blew. After all, even though I didn't watch those particular episodes, I have seen 12 or so episodes of the show, so I have something to base it on. Doesn't mean I have the slightest clue what I'm talking about, or that my opinion should be taken seriously.

KB's opinion, however, an opinion based on something patently false to boot, does have a direct impact on the show (in my opinion, granted). So it is my opinion that KB should either familiarize herself with her own canon or just not express her personal opinions in interviews.

tv: veronica mars, poll

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