Random thoughts

Jul 29, 2006 00:06

  • Both my sites are inaccessible right now because of a "power outtage". And you know that extra disc space? Gone. I knew it was too good to be true.
  • Ever go to someone's icon page and think that each individual icon has some merit, but together they just look like ass? Like the user has terrible taste? Because that just happened to me.
  • I always wonder why more iconmakers don't upload their icons to their Scrapbook album, like I've started doing. Seriously, it's the perfect solution to those hotlinking problems (you can't hotlink from any other place except LJ, and even if someone does get around it, the extra bandwidth doesn't cost you anything) and it's free (with a paid account, but I'm betting if you're making icons you've got at least one paid account around here somewhere). And no one ever has to have a stupid friendslocked icon community again.
  • Anyone else get randomly logged out of LJ about an hour ago or was that just me?
  • I was linking someone to my favorite VM posts (VM vs BtVS! VM vs TWW! Alpacka!) earlier and experienced fullblown nostalgia. And jascott's Logan picspams aren't helping at all.
  • Today I had to go through hundreds of posts at cap_it to find the DVD caps from Popular that I know I saw there at one point. And that's why that place needs tags.

fandom, icons, livejournal1, tv: veronica mars, links, site: dreamhost

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