The Nine
I really liked how they'd structured the pilot, not telling us everything, hinting at things that had happened. However, I fear that that's the only thing that will keep me tuning in. Maybe they won't stretch this out for all eternity, but I kinda doubt it. I will continue watching, but I fear this will be like Windfall, which I am still watching as well, but I'm falling further and further behind and once the television season gets going in earnest (or heck, even when the DVD sets start being released and I'll be busy capping) it'll fall by the wayside.
The only sitcom of the bunch, and I have to say, if it wasn't for the laugh track I just might've gone for this. Kinda quirky, but I can see where they're going with it and I think I could have liked it. If not for the laugh track. This one's going to be a miss.
(Now if I could only stop having this brain fart and figure out where I know that guy from.)
Hmm, I don't know, I think this one could be good, but it depends on where they take it. If they decide to go in my preferred direction and make it into something like Stephen King's The Stand, then I'm in. I don't mean the supernatural aspect, but the post-apocalyptic world aspect. If it's just the town learning to cope and returning to life as it was before, then not so much.
My favorite of the bunch so far. I didn't think much of it at first, but once the museum blew up (semi-crappy effects notwithstanding) it was a total rollercoaster ride and my heart was going a mile a minute. Well, as much as it does when watching TV.
This one gives me Prison Break vibes. Now, Prison Break tended to bore me quite a bit, but I think it was because of the total non-surprise their season-long non-escape was. If they had broken out before the season finale I would have been impressed and interested. As it was, I could barely keep from falling asleep most of the time.
I don't foresee those problems with this show, though, since there's no prison to escape from and no need to drag out one single plotline until I want to choke the person who thought it was a good idea. And, incidentally, Prison Break this season should also improve since the break-out already happened. If they're recaptured and have to break out again I will stop watching, no question.
The only show that feels like a true fandom show, all the rest are so mainstream it hurts. I liked the premise, the characters, the actors. I like the scope and the ambition. My biggest fear is that it will be too much like X-Men, but then again, that might not be a bad thing. Since all I know about X-Men I learned from the movies, Heroes isn't going to be ruined by being X-Men's bastard stepchild (if that's what it turns into, which I'm hoping it won't) because I don't know enough about the verse to know when there's blatant stealing.
One thing that really surprised me was Milo's non-flying at the end. I wonder if he'll turn out to have some other power instead? Maybe prophetic dreams, sort of like the painter?
The only non-screener in the bunch, I do believe. I started out kind of interested, but the tone of the show is too affected and, quite frankly, annoying. The cases are also way too easy to solve, so I'll probably stop watching as soon as I forget it's on.
Now where's the Studio 60 screener? That's the one I really want to watch, but since the reviews I've read have been rather muted (and we're talking Aaron Sorkin fans here), I can see why they don't want the screener out there, killing the buzz.
In other news, I've also managed to rewatch season 1 of Farscape over the weekend. What? It's easy when you don't have to actually watch in order to rewatch. Watching while sleeping, making icons, working - all perfectly acceptable.