Happy May 1st, all you non-working workers all over the world (so, everyone not in the US)!

May 01, 2006 17:10

You know, I'm a bit wary about watching last night's TWW. That does not mean I don't want to see it at all. Gah! Could the torrent just show up already ( Read more... )

caps, fic: ficathons, stephen colbert owns my soul!, dl-ing, site: vm-caps

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Comments 18

meko00 May 1 2006, 15:34:50 UTC
[censored grumblings on why the effity eff they couldn't yank today instead of Whit Monday]

And, while I have three unwatched WW eps on my computer, I'd really like for the torrent to show, too.


_jems_ May 1 2006, 15:47:28 UTC
Yeah, you're probably not going to get any agreement from me on that point. I'll take a secular holiday over a religious one any day. But hey, it doesn't matter to me, because it's not like I get paid for either of those days if I take the day off, so I say we abolish all holidays! Christmas, Midsummer and everything in between.

The miraculously non-appearing torrent has been baffling me all day.


meko00 May 1 2006, 15:54:56 UTC
Thing about Whit Monday is that it allows for an uninterrupted streak of days off, when people can go away if they choose to. And well, not everyone is employed; my father is self-employed and I will be too. Loads of responisibility, no job security, half the "paycheck" vanishes in taxes and egenavgifter, and we're sneered at by employed people for abusing them even if we're doing nothing of the kind. So no, even if I'm not religious, I'd take White Monday over May 1st any day.

Ah well, it'll turn up. I hope.


sexycereal May 1 2006, 15:49:15 UTC
Yay! I am one of those non-working workers who has the day of uni as well! Hurrah!

And vm-caps is love and that is why it has so many viewers and I will not hear a bad word against it! Amen!


_jems_ May 1 2006, 15:56:35 UTC
I think half the world has the day off. Except, of course, the US, because god forbid they had the same labor day as the commies!

For the past few days I've been thinking that I should really finish off capping the s1 DVDs (I want to cap the credits - both versions - and the deleted scenes), but I think I'm just procrastinating because I don't want it to be over. But maybe now that I'm actually looking forward to the s2 DVDs a bit more I may find the inspiration. Soon. Not today.


sexycereal May 1 2006, 16:00:11 UTC
Oh I know. I need HQ pics of some certain scenes...


_jems_ May 1 2006, 16:05:40 UTC
I've been thinking about how to cap the s2 DVDs. I capped the s1 DVDs in Vivid color profile because it enhanced the regular scenes so much, even if the flashback got a bit too glaring.

However, the s2 dream sequences and flashbacks are so NOT subtle in the least, and neither are the regular scenes at times, and I'm afraid the caps will suck. I think I'll just cap them with the regular color profile. It was Victor Hammer's cinematography that made season 1 so amazing visually, anyway.


nm973 May 1 2006, 17:00:07 UTC
Hey, have you listened to this interview with Stephen Colbert? It's from a lecture series and is conducted by Tim Goodman, the SF tv critic. It's quite entertaining and informative.


_jems_ May 1 2006, 17:04:02 UTC
I haven't, but now I will! =)


oxoniensis May 1 2006, 21:59:10 UTC
Wary?! ;-)

I haven't seen an ordinary torrent for the West Wing yet, but there is this one, in case you'd not found one yet: http://seedler.org/en/html/info/542738


_jems_ May 2 2006, 07:52:50 UTC
Just from unhappy noises coming from the general direction of my flist, both before and after the episode aired.

I saw that version on mininova, but thanks for the link, I was on my other computer when I saw it and I wanted to download it on this one (better sound quality). =)


oxoniensis May 3 2006, 20:43:09 UTC
*g* I wasn't querying *why* you were wary, just checking that you were *wary* not *weary*, aka subtle typo alert!

I hope your version was okay, as mine is unwatchable - for some reason it has pink and yellow lines running across it, roughly every other frame (if I pause it, 50% of the time it's a good picture, and the other 50% it's entirely pink and yellow, and although my head is dodgy tonight, I don't think my eyes are playing that bad a trick on me!)


_jems_ May 3 2006, 20:48:07 UTC
Ah, see that's why I shouldn't answer comment first thing in the morning, when my head is still foggy.

My version pretty much sucked. Not the video, that was pretty okay, but the audio was horrible. It'd suddenly screech and then the volume would be lowered so I couldn't hear anything. But seeing as I had no video issues while you did it might be a codec thing.


dianora2 May 2 2006, 01:41:35 UTC
You know, I'm a bit weary about watching last night's TWW.

Don't do it! Save yourself!


_jems_ May 2 2006, 07:53:33 UTC
I think I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet, because if I don't watch it I'm not going to be able to watch the last two. =)


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