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Comments 20

missmarch April 25 2006, 21:11:58 UTC
I will never, ever get tired of looking at those M.A.D. caps. They're just gorgeous. All of their makeouts are hot, but that one in particular makes for great caps. And that last one from I Am God melts me, with the little shoulder kiss.

I love that this "things that make me happy today" seems to be becoming a meme on my flist.


the_royal_anna April 25 2006, 21:24:11 UTC
What a fabulous list. Thank you for sharing! Those bathroom caps get prettier every time I see them. :)


evergleam83 April 25 2006, 23:32:39 UTC
Oh, man. See, I read this post at work before I had a chance to watch the aol clip, and I didn't quite get what you meant about being all squee-y and wanting to skip over the negativity, but boy oh boy oh boy do I get it now. Eeeeeee! I haven't felt this excited about the show since, like, the who's at the door clip leaked. I'm not kidding. Yay!

Also, it's that second to last cap in the car that kills me, even more so than the chin-on-shoulder cap. It's the way her hands are just all over her head and it's possible hands in hair is a kink of mine, so yeah. Siiiiigh, I really missed them.


evergleam83 April 25 2006, 23:35:03 UTC
And by "her head" I clearly meant "his." See what the excitement does to me? :p


kiptrip April 26 2006, 08:20:57 UTC
I totally LOVE that last cap!


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