Caps and crap

Mar 20, 2006 20:14

I finally capped Almost Famous. My absolute favorite part was that Rainn Wilson was in the movie. Look at his psychedelic tie! He's in a later scene too - wearing a pink shirt.

Also capped a couple of TWW episodes and finally got the Britcom gallery mostly up and running. "Mostly" because I haven't finished uploading AbFab yet. Have to sort the season 3 images before I upload them.

All day today I've been feeling lethargic, and even though I have a crapload of work to do I decided to take a mental health day and watch...

I kinda figured they'd leave us hanging on the J/D storyline, but not even a glimpse of Donna? Not cool. And it's not looking good for next week either. Though dare I hope that Sam will be returning then? Because that would totally make up for it.

Prison Break

Yes, the one airing tonight (it is tonight, right?) so proceed at your own risk.

I was so steamed that they were copping out on the escape. Man, that's just annoying because now you just know they're going to string it out until the season finale and I do not like that. I liked the idea of the show revamping itself, by design, midway through the first season, and here they go dragging it out again. Like having a month drag out over eight months wasn't draggy enough.

And yet, when the episode started wrapping up and Link was saying his goodbyes and things got all emotional I got all emotional. Even though I'd been cursing them up and down just minutes before. I'm blaming hormones.

And hey, since I can't seem to remember, what did happen to Peter Stormare? It looked like he'd been taken out of the credits and he wasn't in the episode or even the previouslies but I can't remember us ever finding out what happened to his character. Though I must confess, I wasn't paying that close attention to the half-season finale. I mean, aren't they going to need their money guy when Link's execution is (inevitably) delayed? (Personally, I'm thinking Michael had a back-up plan for having the chair malfunction.)

The Office deleted scenes
Those were some of the most uncomfortable scenes I've seen on TO (US). And hilarious, naturally, but it took me a while to overcome the embarrassment, which kind of stunned me for a bit. I guess I hadn't noticed how that element has slowly left the show.

I don't really have anything to say, except every time Michael said his name (which he did a lot, by the way) I expected him to say "Michael Scoffield" because I had just watched PB. It was a bit surreal.

And now I think I'm going to go find some fic to read. The best part about having more fandoms is having more fics to read, but the worst part is trying to actually decide what fandom to go in search of fic for. Buffy or TWW or VM or...

caps, tv: office, tv: prison break, tv: west wing

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