I really don't think there is enough squee in the world for this episode. I calculate that we will be left without squee entirely once this storyline plays out (and I'm unspoiled as to what happens next, don't worry).
I think I squeed sufficiently about The Kiss (yes, capitalization is a must) in my previous post, but I gotta say, the high just doesn't wear off. There wasn't much in the way of Josh/Donna that I hadn't seen, but it was nice to see it in better quality. And hear it in better quality. I'd misheard some stuff and missed other stuff completely.
One thing that did stand out for me immediately in the Roosevelt room scene (by virtue of being spoiled) was Bram telling Donna very pointedly that she was on the second floor. Did no one else think that this was put in there so that Josh would know where her room was? Okay, just me then.
I haven't really cared too much about Will/Kate because...well, it's Will/Kate. But I found them impossibly cute in this episode. And I think I've kind of repressed the Will that's existed for the past two years and I've convinced myself that he stayed at the White House all this time. I think it's just 'cause I like him again and have no problem doing so. I liked Will from the start (even though he replaced Sam) and I'm just glad I don't have to start gritting my teeth every time he shows up on-screen.
Not enough Leo, but it was nice that we got one last scene with him and the president. I'm really going to miss him. *sniff*
By American standards I'm an ultra-liberal, so I can't say I've ever been a Vinick fan, but if he really does run to the conservative base I can't even be okay with him winning because it's Alan Alda playing him.
I can't help but feel, though, that with this looming China/Russia conflict the playing field might be leveled again. With even bigger disasters on the horizon, people will probably start to calm down about the nuclear disaster.
I've been bogged down with work today, but I did do a frame-by-frame cap of the kiss scene, which you can find
here. I'll cap the rest of the episode either tonight or tomorrow depending on how long the rest of this translation is going to take me.
Spoilers for promo
So, I gather from recounts that it showed all the old-timers returning? If it really is for the next episode, I'm guessing that they are there for Leo's memorial/burial/whatever.
As for Sam returning, I will not be displeased if he is returning to take Santo's VP candidate spot (see my Sam icon keywords for more details), but I read someone mentioning somewhere that maybe he will become the Communications Director for the new president (if it's Santos, of course), which I think I'd like even better, because then both the deputies would move up a step and fill the shoes of their bosses.
Caps from just the one scene.