Project Runway, Project Catwalk, BSG, etc.

Jan 16, 2006 19:20

None of you guys are posting today and it's driving me nuts. Therefore, I will now be forced to spam you. Let's start with some TV talk.

Project Runway
The torrents take at least half a week to be released, so I'm not sure what episode was the latest one, but the one I just saw was "Window Shopping" - the Banana Republic challenge. Just to give you a frame of reference.

So, Daniel won again. And I'm not that surprised that he's won both challenges where they had to design for a store/line because while I think his clothes are beautiful almost every single time, I also feel like they're a bit cookie-cutter. I don't really think he has a vision.

Santino, on the other hand, has entirely too much vision. Which is probably a good thing for a high-end designer, but he'll be eliminated soon if he doesn't start to actually listen to people. I think I wouldn't mind his haughtiness so much if he wasn't such a sore loser. You could totally tell that his smile when he realized that Kara and Yuzema (that is soooo not her name. What the heck is her name?) were in was his way of saying: "it's so obvious these people can't understand my vision". Gah!

I also think it wouldn't bother me so much if I actually liked his clothes, but I don't. They're too frou-frou. Nick's clothes, on the other hand, I do like. And I really think that having Nick on his team was Santino's saving grace in this case, because I don't think that the jury wanted to lose Nick (and to some extent Santino himself, though their patience with him is wearing thin) this early on. I also just realized that the other challenge where he was on the chopping block was the lingerie challenge where Daniel won. I really think he should have been eliminated after that one, because the lingerie he designed was ugly. And he refused to take responsibility for the failure of the team, when it was really his vision that sucked.

My favorite so far is Chloe. I think she's very unassuming, but she makes beautiful clothes and she has the know-how to back it up. I'd probably like Nick better (and by extension, his clothes) if he wasn't so closely tied to Santino on the show. However, I think he's starting to distance himself from him, at least creatively.

My vote for the final three right now? Chloe, Nick and Santino. I'm sad to say. I think that Daniel has a slight chance of being in the top three, but like I said, I just don't think he's got any vision. And unfortunately, if it comes down to my guesses for the final three Santino just might win, because while he sucks at conforming, the experts all seem to agree that he has a strong vision and makes beautiful clothes.

Project Catwalk
I also watched the first episode of the British version with Liz Hurley, but it's been two days and I can't remember it. Not a good sign. Also? The one thing I can remember is thinking some of the designs were downright ugly. However, the fact that they had to shop for materials at a DIY-type store makes me think that maybe, just maybe, things will improve.

Elsewhere on the TV front, I'm not really enjoying Gilmore Girls right now. The West Wing feels seriously stalled (though I have not yet watched last night's episode) and I wish they would just do something. Anything. I forgot to watch Scrubs last week, but I enjoyed the first two episodes.

I'm still very conflicted about BSG, because it feels like they're dropping the ball. (I also bring up a few podcast things, in case people are sensitive to any kind of behind the scenes information.)

Okay, so maybe I'm stupid, but when Gaius started telling the story of the sports arena and buying the tickets and feeling the excitement of the crowds I totally thought that was a sign that he'd been inventing the Six in his head all along and that he really was the one that went to those games. Only to learn, second-hand from my flist, that apparently that's not at all what that scene was about - it was about Gaius deciding that Six was a figment of his imagination and stealing her story. Okaaay...

Let's see, another thing that bugged me (this review will only be about things that bugged me, FYI): Boomer talks about the speech Adama gave in the mini. Ummm, how does she know about it? That particular model was either a) not active at the time, or b) already on Caprica. So again, how does she know?

I can think of only two explanations: either G!Boomer died at some point after the mini (and a strong case can be made for her dying in Water, drowning in those tanks and being jettisoned into space) and all her data up until that point was downloaded by the resurrection ship and was given to all subsequent Boomers, or the active Cylon models are constantly sending updates to the resurrection ship. It seems a lot of people subscribe to the latter theory, but I think it would be stupid because why haven't the Cylons found them if that were the case? For this to be true there'd have to be some serious fanwanking, and No thank you.

Another thing that pisses me off about the attack itself is the fact that no one even bothered to mention the fact that since they could clearly spot one model on board the ship it might be beneficial to try to see if they could spot more. That should be one of their top priorities, right? Finding the Cylon infiltrators? That one was just stupid.

As was Lee's sudden death wish. I can sort of buy the assassination conspiracy as his breaking point, but it mostly just comes out of the blue and it doesn't feel like a natural evolvement of the character. It feels more like they're sitting around the writer room saying "so what do we do with Lee? He's kind of boring right now." And then they all decide that he needs a dangerous edge, which of course must would come out if they had suicidal angst. And *poof*! We've got suicidal angst.

And the last stupid thing was Starbuck's speech at the end. Like people have said, it just feels so wrong that Kara would praise the woman who apparently murdered her entire civilian fleet, basically dooming humanity to extinction (as far as she knew), and yet this is someone they'd be safer with?

Once again, I have to learn from the podcast that the murdering of innocents was a last-minute edition by the network. Looks like no one bothered to remember that little scene when time came for part 2. And as for Kara not knowing? Why wouldn't Adama tell her? I can't imagine him not telling her, because it would give her the justification he must have known she needed, and it would have made him sure that she would do carry out his order, no matter what personal qualms she may have had about cold-blooded murder (not knowing about her mommy issues).

tv: project runway, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: project catwalk

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