So, I finished all aired episodes of The Office (US), and you guys were right, as per usual.
Once the second season starts it really starts morphing into something all its own. I have a total and unhealthy love for Jim, and I like Pam a lot better than Dawn (so far, anyway), because I just couldn't believe Dawn would choose Lee over Tim. I mean, who in their right mind does that?
Michael, however, is not David. It's still not clicking for me there. The way I click with David is that I hate his guts, but at least I have some pretty strong feelings about the character. I don't about Michael. Dwight is completely different from Gareth, and though Gareth's level of crazy is never quite reached (I prefer his understated level of crazy anyway) I do enjoy his antics.
I tried some Office communities, but I couldn't really find any caps, so I capped four episodes this afternoon. As it turned out, I couldn't make an icon to save my life, but if anyone else wants to take a crack at it, three of the episodes are uploaded into a free PB account
here. I reached the 50 MB disc limit with just those three episodes so any further caps will be uploaded into other albums. But I'll link from my screencap post when I'm done.
Earlier today I got the DVDs I ordered a while back, so right now I'm watching The Office Christmas Specials, and here I find exactly what is missing from the US version - the embarrassment. Oh dear lord, the embarrassment! I thought I'd just gotten used to it, but David Brent brought it back in full force. But since they could never really live up to the original I'm kinda glad the US team deviated from the chosen path.
I think I may do some DVD capping tomorrow. I got The Breakfast Club, Sense and Sensibility and I recently bought Sliding Doors, so I may start with one of those and then cap some Office (UK) and Wonderfalls (only two episodes left! Woohoo!).
Icon has nothing to do with the post, but I'm using it because I miss them. *sniff*