
Dec 31, 2005 16:31

I really don't have time to answer all the comments from yesterday since I'm going out very soon, but I didn't want to leave you hanging until next year, so here are the answers to yesterday's character cap game:

01. first+last

Sharon Tyler [Wonderfalls]

02. first+last

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bennet [Pride and Prejudice]

03. first+last+nickname

Lee "Apollo" Adama [Battlestar Galactica]

04. first+middle+last

Buffy Anne Summers [Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which could be considered her title too!)]

05. title+first+last

Doctor Simon Tam [Firefly]

06. first+last+1 nickname

Georgia "George" "Peanut" Lass, aka Mildred "Millie" Hagan [Dead Like Me]

07. first+last

Anna Scott [Notting Hill]

08. first+last+nickname

Deputy Deputy Chief of Staff (*g*) Donnatella "Donna" Moss [The West Wing]

09. first+last+nickname

Thomas "Neo" Anderson [The Matrix]

10. first+last

Patrick "Donkey" "Tripod" Maitland [Coupling (UK)]

11. first+last+1 nickname

Beatrix "The Bride" "Black Mamba" Kiddo [Kill Bill]

12. first+last+nickname

Madeline "Maddie" Hayes [Moonlighting]

13. first+middle+last+nickname

George Oscar "G.O.B." Bluth II [Arrested Development]

14. first+middle+last+nickname

Press Secretary / Chief of Staff Claudia Jean "C.J." Cregg [The West Wing]

15. first+middle+last

Lucy Eleanor Moderatz [While You Were Sleeping]

16. first+last+nickname

Cassidy "Beaver" Casablancas [Veronica Mars]

17. nickname+last

Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding [The Shawshank Redemption]

18. first+1 nickname

William "The Bloody" "Spike" Pratt [Buffy the Vampire Slayer]

19. first+last

Sikozu Svala Shanti Sugayi (sometimes Sugaysi) Shanu [Farscape]

20. first+last+nickname

Frances "Baby" Houseman [Dirty Dancing]

21. first+last

Clementine Kruczynski [Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind]

22. title+first (or nickname)+last

Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds [Firefly]

23. first+last+nickname

Lorelai "Rory" Gilmore [Gilmore Girls]

24. first (or nickname)+last

Doctor Gregory "Greg" House [House M.D.]

25. first+last+nickname

Anya Christina Emmanuelle "Anyanka" "Aud" Jenkins (aka Anya Emerson) [Buffy the Vampire Slayer]

26. first+last

Pacey Witter [Dawson's Creek]

27. first+last+nickname

Kara "Starbuck" Thrace [Battlestar Galactica]

28. title+last

Minister (War Minister, in the mini) Ahkna [Farscape]

29. title+first+last

Princess Leia Organa [Star Wars]

30. first+last

Martin Blank [Grosse Pointe Blank]

31. first+last

Johnny Castle [Dirty Dancing]

32. first+last

Andrew "Large" Largeman [Garden State]

33. first+last+nickname

Edina "Eddy" Monsoon [Absolutely Fabulous]

34. first+last+nickname

Deputy Chief of Staff Joshua "Josh" Lyman [The West Wing]

If I've missed anything, feel free to point it out and I'll be sure to fix it. Next year.

Happy New Year, everyone!

games: tv, games: answers, games: movies

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