Answer key

Dec 30, 2005 01:44

In my excitement to post the cap game I forgot to say thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, so THANK YOU!

Answers! )

games: answers, games: movies

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Comments 12

faithx5 December 30 2005, 01:02:25 UTC
Aw...when you posted the quiz, I was at work, and my work monitor is too friggin' dark to see anything, so I couldn't do it. But then I just looked, and I only knew like five anyway.


_jems_ January 2 2006, 02:08:16 UTC
I've had to use more and more obscure movies since I'm running out of DVDs and there are only so many caps you can find online at any given time.


bellanut December 30 2005, 03:28:10 UTC
Nurse Betty seriously freaked me out. I was not expecting that movie to be as fucked up as it was. I swear, I had serious emotional trauma after that one.


_jems_ January 2 2006, 02:11:46 UTC
I hardly remember that movie, and when I capped it I realized it's definitely worth watching again sometime in the near future.

Also, this is why I hate answering comments days later, because we've been talking elsewhere and it just feels weird to pick up this conversation so late. But then again, I only have myself to blame for not answering comments promptly. =)


bellanut January 2 2006, 02:49:16 UTC
You know, I don't really remember it all that well either. I just remember that I thought it was going to be a light-hearted comedy and suddenly people were being scalped and were suffering psychological trauma. I think if I had known what I was in for it would have been a different experience. Actually, that cap was so pretty I might just give it another go. I definitely didn't appreciate it visually, if the whole movie looks like that ( ... )


bellanut January 2 2006, 02:52:22 UTC
Anonymous my ass! I think it's clear that that was me. Hmph.


blond_bear December 30 2005, 04:12:45 UTC
U-571 and Cast Away! Those two were driving me did I miss the sub in the water? lol

And with all the holiday nuttiness, I missed your birthday - so happy belated! I hope you had a wonderful day on Monday :)


_jems_ January 2 2006, 02:14:01 UTC
I didn't exactly pick the easiest caps. Completely from experience, though, because it's boring when every single cap is guessed within a half hour. This game took several hours to be finished solely because of the U-571 cap.

And thank you, I had a wonderful birthday.


typicrobots December 30 2005, 06:11:53 UTC
Hee, I'm the one that got U-571, even if it was completely by chance! I WIN AT LIFE.

Keep doing this game (or whatever new version you're coming up with)! I love playing.


_jems_ January 2 2006, 02:15:52 UTC

I'll probably move on to TV shows next, because I've pretty much exhausted my supply of movies to cap from. I've already reused some.


julietlaw December 30 2005, 17:07:49 UTC
Okay. Can I be upset that Sabrina actually *was* in this batch and yet I didn't guessed it. *g*


_jems_ January 2 2006, 02:17:16 UTC
You can! I won't deny anyone the right to their own feelings in this journal. ;-)


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