10 unpopular fandom opinions

Dec 06, 2005 06:10

Remember when I didn't do memes?

10 unpopular fandom opinions
  • When Jed Bartlet picked Bingo Bob to be his Vice President I lost some of my respect for him, and since then I don't feel that him leaving office would be a great tragedy.
  • Jackie is by no means a lost cause in my book. The character is a bitch, but quite frankly, so is Veronica. It's not those qualities that would make me hate the character. The actress might, though, but I feel almost obligated to give her a chance since I let TD have over a year. And no, I'm never letting that go.
  • I'm mostly bored by Apollo. Thankfully, unlike other characters I'm frequently bored by, Jamie Bamber can actually act. But I still find the character remote and too unemotional for my taste.
  • I don't hate Russell Crowe. Not even a little bit. I mostly just find him and his antics amusing.
  • Beaver is cute and all, but I'm not really that interested in the character. I prefer Dick, despite hating his guts for...oh, all of season 1. And, for the record, I still hate his guts. Now I just enjoy it on a whole new level. *g*
  • This isn't really an unpopular opinion on my flist, but I think it is in fandom as a whole: I don't really think the first three seasons of Buffy are the bee's knees. The episodes are extremely uneven, the acting is painful at times, season 3 has the most annoying relationship I've ever witnessed on TV and I don't really connect with the main character. I mean, a girl who wants to have a normal life with her dull boyfriend, to be prom queen and cheerleader... Aaaand suddenly my Veronica issues are becoming much clearer.
  • I love Keanu Reeves. He may not be the best actor, but he knows how to pick the greatest parts, and I can't help but remember that Vanity Fair interview where he told the interviewer off for asking if he was gay. I loved him for that!
  • Yeah, yeah, Nine was great and all, but I'm actually more excited about Ten.
  • Mal/Inara doesn't do much for me, as is. It's entirely possible that Joss might have turned into something that grabbed me, but what we were shown? It didn't speak to me of any great connection, nor do I see anything inherently angsty in two people just choosing not be together. I think that if the show had continued and if she'd stuck around, my Mal OTP would have been Mal/YoSaffBridge. Because I adore her.
  • This isn't news, but it's still an unpopular opinion: I was not, nor have I at any point been impressed with TD's acting in ATttD. Yes, it's an improvement, but improvement does not equal "good". His facial expressions are still a big old ball of WTF?! to me.

fandom, meme

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