(no subject)

Aug 23, 2005 14:06

What is up with VM fic right now? Hardly anything has been posted for ages! I mean, I expected it to die down when the first bout of excitement died down, but I didn't expect it to keel over and die completely.

LJ is being fun again. Yesterday I made comments in various entries and when I went back to check? They were gone. Then I received replies and went to respond to them. Only the replies weren't there. What the hell?! And right now I'm only getting about 2/3 of all comments e-mailed to me, so if you're talking to me somewhere and I'm not responding, that may be the reason.

Since my internet connection disappeared last night (at the same time as it did the night before! Must be maintenance or something. Don't these people know you need your internet connection most at 2 am? They should really schedule those things for 4 or 5 - at least then you can give up and go to bed) I watched the pilot of Prison Break, which finally finished.

I liked it. A lot. I'll definitely be watching it when it airs. However, I'm kinda wondering how they'll stretch this beyond one season without making it ridiculous, or ridiculously complicated.

I liked both brothers, and what little interaction I saw between them. I keep hearing how their relationship and bond is supposed to be the cornerstone of the show, but it was hard to judge how well it works from just a few scenes.

There are some things that defy belief, but since when is that not true of a TV show? As long as they keep up the pace and don't drag things out more than necessary I'll be a happy camper.

I'm guessing they'll be spending at least the first few episodes in the prison. So does that mean we'll never see those characters again after the break-out? Then why spend so much time building up the relationships in there? I can totally see the cellmate's fiancé helping the brothers on the outside, and apparently Peter Stormare (and OMG! Talk about going to seed!) has contacts that will somehow help them.

I'm sorta wondering how they'll be able to keep all these plots in various places interwoven considering the main characters won't be able to interact with them too much except for phone calls and the occasional meeting - like once a season, maybe.

I guess that means I've got Kitchen Confidential and Prison Break all lined up for next season. And considering how many shows I quit watching last season (Lost, Desperate Housewives, The OC, Alias, etc.) that's probably a good thing.

fic: veronica mars, livejournal1, tv: prison break

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