
Aug 21, 2005 23:29

Tutorial for this icon:

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icons, tutorials

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Comments 54

fiesty_red August 21 2005, 21:55:39 UTC
I love the color effects on this. Adding to memories. ^_^


_jems_ August 21 2005, 22:16:53 UTC


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_jems_ August 21 2005, 22:18:35 UTC
Hey! Not just Buster! Buster/Roomba. Since it's an OTP header and all. ;-)

And yeah, I'm addicted to color and gradient layers. So much fun to fiddle around with.


ignited August 21 2005, 22:34:42 UTC
Thanks for the tutorial! It was very informative. I need to get the hang of using gradients and color layers again. It also makes me happy to see it on a 200 x 200 scale as well. I've been using that size for well over a year now so it's nice to see tutorials that show how that size can be beneficial (especially when it comes to sharpening then resizing). Definitely adding this to the memories! :)


_jems_ August 21 2005, 22:52:52 UTC
Well, I learned the technique from you, so thank you for that. =)

I find that making the icon at a larger size makes the image look so much better. The only thing that can be hit or miss is the text, which is why I make a blank before resizing, just in case.


ignited August 21 2005, 23:38:38 UTC
Hee. I am forgetful, you see. You're welcome, chica. Heh. ;)

The only thing that can be hit or miss is the text, which is why I make a blank before resizing, just in case.

Exactly. Most times I just put the text on afterwards but it's a pain and probably adds to getting annoyed with text -- I end up just using the same old fonts over and over again. I'll definitely try out putting them on before I resize. :)


passionflows August 21 2005, 23:13:45 UTC
Ooh, what an awesome tutorial! Thanks very much for this.


_jems_ August 22 2005, 13:09:09 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it!


ex_stormwin August 21 2005, 23:22:47 UTC
No wonder your coloring is so amazing... you use like 20 layers of it! :P

Seriously, though, fantastic tutorial. I've never really given the 200x200 method much thought, but I'll have to give it a try... it might work well with my text problems.

Thanks so much for sharing this!


_jems_ August 22 2005, 13:11:15 UTC
Well, I don't always use so many layers, but even my black and white icons have at least five gradients on them. Usually because I don't decide to make it black and white until the very last second, and I find that the gradients make the image come to life.

Like I told Stef upthread, the text can be hit or miss, so making a blank is always a good idea.


ex_stormwin August 22 2005, 13:12:10 UTC
*nods* I've since tried the 200x200 method and text before resizing... it's worked beautifully.


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