Joss himself
has proclaimed it (and thus it must be so): Despite what we've all believed lo these many months Veronica Mars isn't Buffy (bemoans loss of
Duncan=Angel theory), it's Harry Potter! So therefore I must ask my flist to hook me up with a link to the character by character comparison with the Potterverse. C'mon, it's been a day! Someone must have written a comprehensive list by now! /sarcasm
On the other hand, YAY! for word getting out about VM.
Now for some new TV.
Since I burned both last week's and this week's episode on the same disc I've rewatched last week's episode too. Something struck me as interesting in regards to Lee. He says he won't try to convert the crew or free the president "while he's on duty", and when he does do those things he's technically not on duty since he plans with the crew after he's come off duty and is on his way to the brig, and he escapes with the president by taking a detour and "doing the lieutenant's job for her". He's not doing his job, he's doing someone else's. That says a lot about what kind of man he is, that he'd go so far to keep his word.
As for this week's episode, it really goes well with my theories about the Cylons, so I'm a happy camper.
And OMG! we got a new Cylon! I'm really excited about that one. And slightly disappointed because I'm guessing we won't be seeing any more reveals this season and Simon wasn't someone we'd ever seen before (and incidentally, I'm surprised that
his IMDb page doesn't even have him listed as being on BSG).
I have conflicted feelings about Starbuck. In general, not just from this episode. She's too Mary Sue-ish for me most of the time. At the same time I'm fascinated by the Cylons fascination with her, and it makes it canon that she's special, which explains the Mary Sue thing.
Interestingly enough, it's her interaction and relationship with Apollo that I feel is the only thing not Mary Sue-ish, in any way, because she screws it up so spectacularly again and again. I guess that's why I like the 'ship, it makes me think Kara can be a less Mary Sue-ish character altogether.
I get the feeling ("feeling" because I rarely see people pledging support for either side outright) that a lot of people are on Adama's side in the face-off between the military and the government, but I'm firmly in the Roslin camp. Not only because I'm always going to be on the side of democracy as opposed to military rule, but also because I'm pretty much a "believer" when it comes to BSG. Which is kind of funny since I'm pretty far from being a believer in real life, yet on TV I can be all "yay, religion!" I expect the prophecies to play out exactly as they were written (though not necessarily as characters and fans think they will).
I love that Caprica!Boomer is back and that she's accepted among the rebels. And that she was "programmed" to fall in love with Helo. Makes me wonder what the plan was for Chief Tyrol and Galactica!Boomer. And what will the Chief say when he learns of her "infidelity"? It does seem that Caprica!Boomer and Galactica!Boomer share the same memories up to a point (with one significant difference: one knows she's a Cylon, the other doesn't. Or didn't), since Caprica!Boomer and Helo talk about her relationship with Tyrol. So in a way she was cheating, because the break-up didn't come till long after Caprica!Boomer was split off from Galactica!Boomer.
I'm still really confuzzled about the logistics in all this.
I think Adama and Tigh were pretty stupid to think that only a few ships (heh, I almost wrote 'ships. Teija has indoctrinated me too well) would jump with the President's. There's been a holocaust and people have lost everything. Of course they're going to cling to faith and religion.
I probably forgot a whole bunch of stuff, but in closing I'd just like to say that I really like the return of the flash intro. I missed those drums.