Half-Blood Prince

Jul 17, 2005 05:02

I, for one, was convinced, convinced, that Voldemort was the Half-Blood Prince, so Snape was a real surprise.

Dumbledore's death, however, was not. I was expecting someone to die (and as I was nearing the end I kept thinking "where's my damn death?!), so when Draco had Dumbledore cornered I knew he was a gonner. And I was pretty convinced that Snape would be the one to finish him off, too, at least after the Death Eaters came out.

But here's something that I haven't seen floating around LJ (except for possibly themoonbar, but I was too tired to make sense of what she'd written. In fact, I'm still too tired, so this post may just be a bunch of blather that I'll have to delete when I wake up.) Where was I? Oh, yeah, my theory.

I think that Dumbledore was right that Snape hadn't joined the Death Eaters. I don't think that Harry's parents' deaths were what made him turn away from Voldemort. I think that when he made the Unbreakable Vow (was that what it was called?) he knew he'd have to kill Dumbledore, and what's more, I think that he and Dumbledore had talked about it beforehand and knew that if it came right down to the nitty-gritty certain sacrifices had to be made.

I think that for some reason or another, both Snape and Dumbledore were trying to prevent Draco from irrevocably turning to the Dark Side. So, when Snape enters onto the scene he sees a scenario where he knows he has to act. Draco has lowered his wand, but I think it was only a matter of time before the Death Eaters would have goaded him into doing the deed. Dumbledore sees this too, so when Snape comes bursting in Dumbledore tells him to kill him. Snape instantly understands that the moment has come (as he knew it would have to, ever since he made the vow), pushes Draco out of the way and does it.

Now watch as all this turns out to be a total dream scenario in book 7. And just to be clear, I don't like Draco or Snape. I think they're both snivelling little weasels.

I have a few reasons for believing all this, mostly by what's omitted. Now, granted, I read the book semi-fast, and only once, so I may be mistaken on some or all of these points.

The omissions:
  • We never hear Harry tell Dumbledore about the Unbreakable Vow, but we assume he did and Dumbledore just dismisses it without a satisfactory explanation,
  • Dumbledore never confirms that Lily's and James' deaths are what provoked Snape into switching sides.
  • Dumbledore's plea to Snape at the end never specifies what he wants him to do.

Other stuff:

  • Loved Luna as comic relief and wished we'd seen more of Neville.
  • Liked the Trio action, but there wasn't enough Hermione.
  • Liked Harry/Ginny.
  • Still don't like Hermione/Ron.

Which brings me to my unpopular opinion of the evening. Ron. I like him when he interacts with Harry and I like him when the Trio interacts, but otherwise? Not so much.

For me, it started in GoF when he turned his back on Harry and I've not been able to warm up to him since. About a third of the way through HBP I realized what it was about Ron that sets my teeth on edge: Given just slightly different circumstances where he was a bit more popular in his own right I can totally see him turning into a bully. And I just can't set that reaction aside when I view the character.

Imagine my surprise when Luna pretty much mirrors my feelings when she calls him mean just a hundred or so pages later. And imagine my complete and utter shock when Harry actually agrees with her, albeit silently.

Another thing: I think Ron is a terrible prefect, and I do not understand why he was chosen, except for storyline reasons, throwing him and Hermione together. With Hermione as the designated stickler for the rules, you'd think the other prefect would at least be someone the students could talk to, confide in, go to with problems if he wasn't going to enforce the rules. I wondered who I would've picked as the other prefect as I read the book. Certainly not Harry, he'd be as terrible as Ron. Maybe Neville. Might help him with his confidence issues.

And now it's time for BSG, which I still haven't watched. If you spoil me in the comments...well, I'll probably have seen it by the time I'll get around to reading it.

books: harry potter

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