The children already belong to us. What are you? you will pass on.

Dec 23, 2005 14:07

I've reactivated this piece of shit due to popular demand of one person. So uhhh...

Canada invaded Haiti last year and we're still occupying the country after overthrowing their democratically elected government. Surprised? Maybe a little. And uh... what was Haiti's big crime? Well their ex-Prime minister (who was flown to south africa and imprisoned there after the coup) abolished the army. Totally disbanded it. He claimed haiti wasn't fighting any wars and had no need for the army to exist. Haiti's armed forces were one of the most notorious and brutal human rights abusers in the world. He also abolished segregation between haiti's business elite and virtually everyone else who had "outsider" actually written on their birth certificates. And how curious it is that we should abstain from Iraq, but still go on a booty call to Haiti. Of course our friends france, usa, and even the un are keeping us company. RCMP officers are being flown to haiti to train police(death squads). These police, accompanied by men in red shirts who were said to have belonged to haiti's armed forces prior to its abolition, invaded a soccer game at half time. They murdered anyone associated with the former prime minister. Those who fled were later found and hacked up with hatchets and machetes. There have been several elections held over the past year in haiti, by elections Canada. Strangely enough, there is only one party people are able to vote for, owing to the fact that the entire opposition is in prison because of their political affiliation. Or dead. There's a lot of that going around. But... You might wonder exactly why Haiti was invaded. And it all goes back to that idea of power and difference in societies and economic systems. And I'll be damned If I'm gonna summarize the cold war.

Tell your friends and whoever can stomach it without shitting themselves in disbelief or spewing the old "Canada would never do that..." welcome to this world, assholes.

check it out if you find it interesting/compelling/disgusting/disturbing etc.

"It's us or them, I'd rather have to pay 100$ than 200$ for my Nikes if it just means the factories go to mexico, 7 cents an hour is a lot in mexico" - Jeff Teutsch/Celest Collins/ my entire gifted english class. Gifted kids arent smart, they just have a larger capacity to be smart, or fucking idiots. And it's funny because i won that debate, but I did have the PhD on my side. Dr strong is my G.

Peace, Merry Christday to all, and to all, Black Metal.
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