Shake hands with beef

Oct 19, 2005 19:53

All goes exceedingly well (if you'd like to know).
My wrist is a piece of shit. Doesn't stop me from playing bass though.
New propagandhi album came out yesterday, definitely worth the year I've been waiting for it.
I bought a flanger for 150$ awhile ago. It's purple. I like it.
I'm going to have to get a job again soon as I'm pretty near broke.
Van Dusen is definitely a cool cat.
I want to jam with someone--anyone, very badly.

"Children are a perpetual, self-renewing underclass, helpless to escape from the decisions of adults until they become adults themselves" - Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game

"None of us is immune. All find emotional sustennance in war's myth. The myth can take many forms. It can lead people to celebrate power among those who are America's enemies, those who lead 'revolutionary' regimes in Cuba or Vietnam, or it can lead us to celebrate our own power, but the process is the same. It is still myth. It still blinds those who swallow it." - Chris Hedges, War is a force that gives us meaning

"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." -John Donne

"They rally around the family, with a pocket full of shells" - Zach de la Rocha, bulls on parade

"Violence is a means to a perpetual end. An end that prevails as a means in itself, a means to subjugate an entire planet to that which it naturally abhors: power. Man has never learned from his greatest mistake: that there is no proverbial "good fight" there is only a neccessary one, and that is one for survival. If we live so luxuriously that there is no prominent fight for survival integrated into our everyday lives, why must we citizens of the 'free world' feel need to sponsor the violence of our beloved bureaucracies as a neccessary means to survival? What then is the point of this killing of women and children in our name? What does it say about us as a society, who institutionalizes terror as our means of winning a fight for our preservation that does not exist? We are all victims of violence, nothing has changed. Only now bureaucrats replace vikings, we have had advances in technology that allow for sophisticated projectile weapons so we needn't get blood on our hands, and we've evolved networks that tell us what we want to hear so we can sleep at night. No, for all our modernity and sophistry in the art of violence it shows only that we have regressed as a race." - Graham Macdonald, world religions homework - the moral question of violence.

"We're fucked boys."
-Ricky, Sunnyvale Trailer Park
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