Watch out Ottawa! the O-train's next on al qaeda's list!

Jul 24, 2005 01:28

God... damn.
Man was I ever pissed this morning... nuff said, it's over with. but AH *angry face*
Regardless, 9 extra hours closer to that Warwick 4 string corvette... *drools*

Man... certain people within my family really piss me off sometimes.
The london bombings... what to say... hell, there's too much to say... besides I absolutely despise newspapers. I've been reading the metro at work and the citizen on a regular basis now, the citizen, needless to say, is full of shit. All the implied racism towards Arabs and Muslims alike, and the brewing of fear and terror. Hell, if we're not supposed to bow down to these terrorists, aren't we just letting them win by showing our utter submission into panic and falling back onto old tailored patterns of xenophobia? Here's an intriguing concept: before you start wailing about "how can we be safe?" and all this bullshit about tightening security; think. Don't skip the "why is this happening" as a write off with "the al qaeda hates our democracy and freedom and want to destroy all of us". Try a) history b) analysis c) reason, because like it or not, nothing is ever black and white, there are few absolutes if any in this world. There are reasons behind everything. Things don't just happen. they dont just appear out of thin air for our liking.
But the cleverly titled analysis I found in the Citizen for the (second) attacks was very questionable indeed. "although security has been tightened but terrorists can still get on public transit"  I sometimes wonder if they do employ hundreds of monkies working on hundreds of typewriters to publish their news stories at the citizen... because this "political analyst" failed to see the simple concept behind busses and public transit, being: you got money, get yer ass onboard. Are we asking for airport-tight security before you get on a bus now? It gets better... "the bombings were symbolically placed in north, west, east, and south, made to form a burning cross" (emphasis added) just... wow... that idiot has really proved something. Perhaps these "family values" consevatives and war mongering white boys (I <3 alliteration) are indeed what we, the people, should turn our contempt towards. Cuz anyone who knows where terrorism originated and the al qaeda themselves originated would raise and eyebrow (or three?) to these speculations we're fed. It comes back to the CIA fighting communist soviet uprisings in the cold war by mean of counter intelligence, and covert funding and arming/igniting of proxy wars (which they took no immediate part in besides supplying/funding/training etc.) Where did they get all the money to do this? The CIA had a huge hand in managing illicit drug trade around the world, and still does. These terrorist organisations like al qaeda and Saddam, are all just precipitate of those old times of strife. Hell, I can say the word CIA, and you'd laugh like i was some raving conspiracist. You act like they never existed, like they were just there to "spy" on people, they have one and very many purposes, and they aint pretty like your movies paint em. But of course I am just a raving conspiracist, i'll admit it too. but people need to learn something, and to do so, pull their fucking heads out of their motherfucking asses; things don't just happen, "like just like....rained today? and i dont know why?" hell, you motherfuckers could call the water cycle a conspiracy, things happen for a reason, which if you dont know, then you ought to find it before passing judgement.
And at the end of the article he threw in something about "there could be any number more of attacks on london... or Ottawa" -- interesting eh? He's the one denouncing terrorism, yet he uses the media heirarchy to filter his views to us through means of fear. People will do/believe/overlook aything when they're frightened. And we're easily frightened. But this raving and obsessing that "Ottawa could be next" arouses in me a deepcuriosity. It actually sounds like these people want us to be next. We're the last on the list. It's like they're excited in some perverted and demented way. We could be the lucky winners. Which would invariably, make the Muslims here in Ottawa... "the losers". Me and Mo were talking about this, and no one cares to realise that we as humans are all the same. We're all people, we're all in this together, cuz hell, we're all at the bottom of this pyramid. 
Before you point a finger, or give into that fucking xenophobia, just think about what you're doing to your fellow man (or woman).
And, even if we are bombed, all I ask is: don't give in to it. Simple, but not. Don't shut up when someone is stereotyping an arab or muslim, tell them to shut the fuck up, cuz i'm fucking tired of this racist shit, and these "jokes" are not all fun and games anymore.
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