Jul 01, 2011 02:55
Decided to make some short-term and long-term goals for myself as a way to get back into moving forward and fix somethings I've been lagging far too long on. In really just the order I think of them.
#1 School. I've been a bum for far too long. I work, but I could be doing something more rewarding. Still need to figure out what, so I guess that will be the first task. Since attaining my job, Optometry is looking better and better, but eight years plus extra for becoming an ophthalmologist sounds sad at, soon to be, 24. Too bad that industry is insanely saturated in CA. Volunteer work for Optometrists is awesome though. Giving sight to children in other countries, who otherwise couldn't attain on their own, is a wonderful goal. Accounting is always easy, Math still excites the shit out of me, but where would that rewarding feeling come in such an occupation.
#2 Car. I've been saving for so long I forgot to get a car. This should be done before the end of the year, but more likely withing 1-2months.
#3 Fix friendships and make new ones. Pretty self-explanatory.
#4 Get out more. Plan on starting to run, swim, hike, or even just buy a bike and bike around. Also, I'd like to hangout more and experience things my quiet, shy, introverted self would usually steer away from.
#5 Find my dad. This has been a goal of mine since I was at my first park event at age nine and they asked for all the fathers and sons to pair up for a balloon toss. It looked fun. The search has taken on different meaning since then, of course. I mean I could have other siblings, especially now after almost 24 years. I even found him already. Creepy, right? He lives a few hours away in Reno, Nevada.
#6 Learn more languages. Easily one of my top goals for the sheer fact that I'm absolutely in love with languages. Top first ones to learn would be Japanese, Spanish, and Mandarin/Cantonese for the complete awesomeness that is japan and that I live in CA. So many more than that as well. Finish, Afrikaans, Swahili, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, Vietnamese, etc. If anyone knows/wants to chat in or learn a language, I'd love a partner to keep things fluent and fresh. My problem with Japanese is I never had someone who used it also after I stopped playing FFXI online, hehe (Awkward nerd laughter). Rosetta Stone here I come!
#7 Be more honest with how I feel and express myself. I'm too damn shy. It annoys me all the time. I'll remain silent out of a want to not seem weird, out of shyness, or for some other not good enough reason. This will probably include posting things somewhere people will actually see them. Maybe I'll make myself a blog someday and link friends/family to it. Also, I feel too many people don't say things they truly feel often enough and it causes miscommunications and leads to greater insecurities, IMO, but that is another topic. I want to be able to tell strangers, friends, or enemies that they look nice today, are wonderful people, or whatever. Things I usually think but keep to myself.
#8 Be less stubborn. I have a super laid back attitude but at the same time I can be insanely stubborn about the most random things. A simple example being my inability to do something because I was told to, even if I was ALREADY planning to do whatever it may be. I will seriously just not do it.
#9 Get healthy and sleep less. I sleep too damn much. I already eat pretty well thanks to my stomach problems but there are things I could do better. I need to stop drinking soda and most importantly DRINK WATER! Start exercising so hopefully I'll have an ounce more energy every day.
#10 Visit states/countries. Tell them hello, and maybe get a number. Japan, Spain, Africa (Yes, I know it's a continent), France (maybe... last), Scotland, etc. I'll probably plan road trips around the U.S. and some trips, cruise, and study abroad semesters or whatever once a year to three years. Again, anyone that wants to join in, let me know! The more the merrier. I'll probably synchronize the different countries/continents around what languages I've learned.
I realize after writing this, most of these aren't really short-term or long-term, but rather never-ending, growing goals, but if I stop striving for something, I'll just become stagnant once again. Also, most of these goals will require other human beings, friends, to be most enjoyable, so if anyone wants to join in or has a similar goal I'd love the company.