People = shit

Feb 25, 2005 23:29

i don't understand why people think they are fuckin cool because they run their mouth about other people's business. its getting to a point where i don't want to tell anybody anything or even talk to anyone because most of the people i trust with things fuckin go tell everyone everything and then other people wanna lie about shit and when their lies get back to the wrong people i am the one getting shit for it. So when i don't talk to anyone maybe these assholes will understand why and fuckin learn to keep their mouths shut....

on other notes... concert at the BullFrog in Redford on March 5 at 6:30 pm, i am gunna be there, so if you see me say wuddup! M-Theory, Twofold Horor, Mental Ward, Downriver Rat, and more. Yeah thats mah lil brother's birthday so earlier i am gunna be there for his party and leaving early for the concert. Then sunday i am going to a cornbeef dinner with my grandma and grandpa and probably my mom and sister and whoever. Its like a yearly thing now. Originally it was just me and my Grandparents but since it is so fresh other people wanna come too...go figure.

i got this from my "big sister" Erin  spiffie101 :

LJ Friends Meme by coolerq
• You must tell 9 people about this game.
• Will is the one that you love.
• Shawn is one you like but can't work out.
• You care most about Cat.
• Mom is the one who knows you very well.
• Ashley is your lucky star.
• Im Alright is the song that matches with Will.
• Afraid of Me is the song for Shawn.
• Bitch is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
• and Bittersweet Symphony is the song telling you how you feel about life
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