xDD i use the katie face too much :[[ but THEN there's no like sad
katie face i can use unless you count Dx but that's just weird cause i
dont think anyone uses that except christina so yups
and yay now i have to say thanks to all the people that said
happybirthday/gave me a present so far!! it's like christmas...but it's
not. yups.
okayyyy soo in the order i got it in i think
MY SISTER: the clay dog thing/ the shirt for dakin (my stuffed animal)
/ the folder card you made / and the $5 with the card that said "$5
because i'm richer than you!" xDD how thoughtful yet true!
MY GRANDPARENTS: ahha $$$ ofcourse xDDD just what i need
AMANDY: the awesomeest cardSS that you prolly spent like an hour on and
it was on the bag too and everything and the PILLOWCOW!! it's so cute
my mom wants to get one for my cousin xDDDDD im all bringing it
everywhere i go now and stuffs
AMY: the brown shirt!! even though i dont usually wear something like
that, i actually like the shirt cause it's all brown and stuff xDDDDDDDD
LISA: the purse thingy!! and theeee card that i didnt read ahhaha well i read it, just not out loud yet :]] or ever will
MAX: the jambacard thingy! ahha i havent been there in forever and it's
all unhealthy and stuff like pinky said xD i cant wait to go
ROBIN: THE IGUANA xDD i always wanted one..how thoughtful... AND you
typed up a whole card that must've taken you like 10 minutes! xDD ANDDD you gave me this goblin shaman card thing xDD you know i always wanted a magic card too but then i bet you took that from your own deck..how sweet
CHRISTINA: THE JELLYBEANS i actually gave a garlic to my mom and she
spit it on the ground -______- and i had to like clean it up
i mean so many vocab cards!! and duct tape fixes EVERYTHING and now
itll be in a pretty color too!!!
CORNTEA: ahah im sure im gonnna love your present xDDDD whatever it issss i cant wait till the 26th
anddddd all the people that emailed me with card and stuff like
pinky/esther/katherine who called me when i was sleeping -____- and even raymond said have a sad birthday xDD
how thoughtful of him
what a niceee bday and i feel like sleeping but now i have to go play
piano sadly and when i called the KOHL guy he was like "didnt your
friend just do song #8? why dont you do #4 instead" how funky cause i accidentally said my name was jeanette sadness