please, baby please, open your heart, and catch my disease

Oct 18, 2005 04:06

so my boyfriend thought it'd be really funny to give me a hicky
and anyone who knows me... knows i'm completely opposed to
that it looks tacky and gross... eww and how can you be taken
seriously with a huge purple mark on your neck... really.

well i didn't really have any say in it! he like latched on
and gave me two HUGE/DARK hickies on my neck! em saw
them and like freaked... she put a spoon in the freezer? and rubbed
it on them then made me lay down so she could "comb" it? idk
any hicky rituals since i pretty much never delt with them. yea.
and i have yet to do my formal lab report... i hate them they're so
tedious and ANNOYING ugh!

but yea, we're a silly couple... heeehee

and melissa and jerica are coming in three days!!!!!!!!!
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