65 Harry Potter Icons

Oct 25, 2009 08:01

Another month, another batch of Harry Potter icons to get off the computer.

1-3: Out of character.
4-5: Sorcerer's Stone.
6-7: Chamber of Secrets.
8-9: Prisoner of Azkaban.
10: Goblet of Fire.
11-12: Order of the Phoenix.
13-18: Half-Blood Prince.
19-22: Wizard Rock: "I Am A Wizard" - Harry and the Potters.
23-27: Wizard Rock: "The Foil" - Harry and the Potters.
28-30: Wizard Rock: "Draco and Harry" - The Whomping Willows.
31-65: Princess Bride quotes.

X Posted to hogwartsicons.

Out of character: 12 3 

Movies: 4 5 6 7 

8 9 10 11 



Wizard Rock: 1920 21 22 

23 24 25 26 

27 28 29 30 

Houses/Princess Bride: 31 32 33 34 

35 36 37  

 38 39 40 41 

42 43 44 45 

46 47 48 49 

50 51   

  52 53 54 55 

5657 58 59 

6061 63 64 


Comment.  Credit.  Accio icons! 

harry potter, house icons

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