Jan 01, 2008 21:11
+ what did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before?:
SATs, stopped caring about school, etc
+ did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?: i dont remember mine so if i make any, i'll probably forget them
+ did anyone close to you give birth?: i dont think so
+ did anyone close to you die?: my cousins puppy. it was sad.
+ what places did you visit?: odamn. texas, arkansas, north carolina, nebraska, delaware, barcelona and amsterdam and france briefly, various places in italy. wow i traveled a lot this year lawls
+ what would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?: freedom duhz
+ what from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory?: umm. probably how mad my mom can get. that's lame but whatever
+ what was your biggest achievement of the year?: above a 3.8 last year and above a 4.0 last quarter. huchah.
+ what was your biggest failure?: umm? haha.
+ did you suffer illness or injury?: eh i got sick afew times. and minor injuries
+ what was the best thing you bought?: eh.. my phone i guess
+ whose behavior merited celebration?: a few people
+ whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: a few people
+ where did most of your money go?: probably food haha
+ what did you get really, really, really excited about?: umm. italy, my nebraska trip, gossip girl hah.
+ what song[s] will always remind you of 2007?: crank dat, the sweetest girl, anything by paramore
+ compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? i've taken this survey for 3 years now and every time i get to this question i say "sadder". i need to stop getting sadder. <-- aww emily. pooks!
at this exact moment i'd say sadder, but i think overall i'm happier.
ii. thinner or fatter? eh maybe the same. except everyone i havent seen in a long time keeps telling me im losing weight.
iii.richer or poorer? richer
+ what do you wish you'd done more of: taking more chances. taking more naps.
+ what do you wish you'd done less of?: stressing about school. caring about dumb things.
+ how will you be spending the holidays?: texas!
+ how will you be spending new years? lizzies house
+ did you fall in love in 2007?: nagrl
+ how many one night stands?: ah well it happens.
+ what was your favorite TV program?: one tree hill. gossip girl. house.
+ do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?: i dont think so
+ do you like anyone now that you hated this time last year?: not hate, but i got to know people better.
+ what was the best book you read?: ah, if only i read more. i really liked fifth business. and chronicle of a death foretold.
+ what was your greatest musical discovery?: um. rap in general haha.
+ what did you want and get?: new phone.
+ what did you want and not get?: new electric blanket. sheesh dad. <-- holy shiz. emily no joke i wanted one too because my mom has one and i always use it. and i didnt get one!
+ what was your favorite film of this year?: the prestige. hp5. ratatouille. :)
+ what did you do on your birthday?: dayum i dont really remember, birthdays arent that big for me.
+ what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?: not getting caught this summer.
+ how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?: lazy hah
+ what kept you sane?: peeps.
+ which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most:
rupert grint
+ what political issue stirred you the most?: the drinking age! joke.
+ who did you miss?: kaitlin and family, my cousins
+ who was the best new person you met?: i think alyx was pretty amazing. if i lived in nebraska we'd be bff for sure.
+ tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007: erm. if youre stressed out about something, and it wont be highly relevant in a week or a month or a year, then calm the hell down and dont worry about it.
+ quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
This is the way I live
Lil’ Boy still pushin’ big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill
Don’t need to work hard that’s the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live