Oct 15, 2005 00:23
`hey guys*, man it has been a long time*, but anyway i will start from today*...
well i got home around 11 a.m. and went back to sleep and slept `til like 2 since i didn't go to bed `til around 4 haha*...Well after i woke up i helped watch my little Cousin Emily*, afterwards me and Jess stayed on the computer continuous for like 5 hours*, and i am still on here*, i was supposed to go to ashley's house*, but my mom changed her mind being that it was like 10 p.m.*- I have been on the phone for like 3 hours and 45 minutes haha*...but anyways i think that i am gonna get of here and go to bed*, i will update soon* Love you all*
*comments are always appreciated*