
Apr 12, 2006 12:51

A Better Cure For BoredomBasic stuffHow do you call yourself? (What's your name?):Lici How old are you?:19 Where you live?:Halifax With whom?:My mom and Richard Favorite thingsColor?:green Person?:don't have a favorite person, everyone has their good qualities Pet? (Not animal. Pet. Either living or dead. Yours or a friends):Abby Number (lucky or just magic)?:6 Childhood memory?:Playing animals and barbies with Leslie Thing to do when you're bored?:LJ, read Person to talk to when you're bored?:Iain Place to shop?:mall Food? (The whole meal, not a category):spaghetti Place to go when you're sad?:for a walk Place to go when you're happy?:out with friends The last stuffWhat's the last thought that crossed your mind?:what time the bus is gonna be coming Person you spoke with you in real life?:Evan Person you spoke with on the phone?:Lisa Person you spoke with online?:Mom Person your send any sort of snail mail to?:Crystal Place you went?:work Thing you did before bed last night?:chatted online Friends stuffWho's your best friend?:Leslie Why?:we were inseparable for a long time and even though we don't see each other that much anymore I still consider her my best friend If you had to spend an entire day talking to only 2 people...?:probably Leslie and Jenn The best person you ever un-friended?:Josh Who do you wish you spent more time with?:Everyone Who knows you better than anyone else (honestly)?:Iain Who is secretly someone you're embarassed of for whatever reason?:nobody Your family stuffAny siblings?:two brothers Are your parents still married to each other?:no Which parent do you like better?:mom Would you voluntarily hang out with your sibling?:yes What about your parents?:yes Random stuffIf you could have an accent, which would you have?:not really sure Do you remember your dreams?:sometimes Do you speak any foreign languages?:not fluently What's your middle name and why is it that?:Jane and Amanda, after my grandmothers Relationships stuffAre you married, dating, or single?:dating If you had the opportunity, would you go back out with any of your exes?:yes Have you ever had a friend try to steal your bf/gf?:no Would you rather be single and have lots of friends or married?:both Do you really tell your significant other everything?:no Have you ever cheated just because you can?:no Do you think your bf/gf is better than the losers your friends bring home?:yes Last stuffHave you ever cried in public just to get attention?:no Have you ever lied just to get attention?:no Would you ever colaborate with a friend's lie just to make them look cool?:yes Assume you were rich, where would you buy your clothes?:NY What makes you smile?:Evan What makes you frown?:Thinking about Danny What's your ultimate goal/dream?:Become a psychologist Take this survey | Find more surveys
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