Mar 07, 2004 22:25
what can i say it was a great weekend to end a great week. friday well another successful bash at mikes house but unfortunetly i cant say i remmeber or that i was totaly present formost of the night. lets just put it this way i had to much fun and kinda passes out but what the hay your only young once right. just wanna say thank you to those who took care of me... even tom for taking off my beer belt when i had to shit.
saturday was another great day filled with chillen and good old fashion next day clean ups..minor repairs to the walls went fairly well and in the afternoon i spent the day with lilmisskrisspiss and had good old time. i convinced her to go with me to mikes house for a second get together and it was nice.. got to see all the poeple we concider close to us at the same house just chillen and the best part is that tom and krissy mad so happy about that..
today was just chill i actully got up for church but it wasnt akward this time i just chilled with the guys and had a good sunday morning and came home to lil mi casa where i just slept the day away.. krissy came over to watch the sopranos and we just chilled with my sister and im just happy that sopranos is on cause thats my fucking show kid like you dont know..
now im just chillen i said that alot tonight didnt i oh well... recaping on the weekend and the fun knowing it wont happen again like that for a long long long timee.
well now im just going to walk around my house till i feel like sleeping and idk i guess ill see those who i go to schoolw ith tomorow..
sorry tot he warriors for not ebing around this weekend but shit it was fun...
comment or die..