Jan 08, 2006 08:14
When I first started to post this entry I was afraid to make it public, because I know that not many of you will keep an open mind as you take it in, and you would miss my whole point wich is not to tell my life sice I have been here but to let everyone know that it is not a fantasy land, and to inform everyone of how harsh the world is. I also thought no one would care about what I have to say, but then I got to thiking what if only one person reads it and takes it in as I meant for it to be taken then at least there is that one person who might find it easier to recognize the fact that this shit does exist out in the world and you just have to prepare yourself for both sides of life, so that maybe when you do come in contact with it, it won't be such a sudden shock because you already had an idea of what to expect. I also wanted to point out the general overall view of how I see the world as a whole feeding into this fucking media frenzy that makes everything look like the perfect place in the world when it is on television, or in movies, or magazines, but when in reality.. these are some of the most corrupted cities in the world due to drug addiction and other socially unexceptable fantasies and ideas that are all combined to create the only city with such a wide cultural diversity to allow prostitution to be legal. I have been here for almost two weeks now and have been completely sober from all drugs. but I do drink a lot but that is the only mind altering substance that is in my body. also in what short time I have been out here I have witnessed a lot of shit that people do just for drugs because they are addicted so bad. I know a lot of you are reading this and thinking who is he.. what does he know about anything, well I have been one of the people I am warning you about. I was pulled in by the consperacies of out world and I fed right into there plan, all because I allowed my undeveloped mind to be manipulated by the worst fucking group of crooked,power seeking, coneiving, money hungry, white men to ever have any power in the world, and the part that scares me most is the men I speak of are the ones that control our government,and I would hate to see the human race, wich is the future of this country, be corrupted and wiped off this continent just to give the government the chance to have even more power than now... So now that you have a basic outline of how I meant for this to be understood and that is not about me!!!
As I entered the city limits of "The Fabulous Las Vegas", Nevada I was overwhelmed with excitement, and the fact that there was such a plethora of cultures, and ways to satisfy your every single desire and addiction from socially unexceptable sexual fantasies, gambling addictions, musical creativity, and most popular to the settled environment of the outer limits...NARCOTICS!!! I was just another tourist on my perfect vacation to the ideal city, but little did I know I was only a short time away from being devoured by the city and it's unadvertised lifestyle that no one seems to believe exist. I had only wanted to see the stereotypical side of Vegas that everyone hears and dreams about, but instead I took a wrong turn down a road that only the people who are not gullable enough to feed into the hipocritical bullshit that we are fed through television, magazines, billboards and everything else the government uses to lure our simple hand molded minds into everything they want us to believe. More and more people every day are blinded by the lights and glamorous exagerations of the city life, only to leave home and begin what they believe is gonna be a successful journey to pursue there dream career. However they are not informed that over 5,000 people a month flood into this city looking for a great land of opportunities, and approximately less than 1/4 of them obtain enough money to remain here and continue there life as they invisioned it. I started this fantasy adventure with two friends who were not as unobedient to there own body and mind as I was. I was unconcerned with my own personal being and could care less that I was destroying the most important key to being anything in life.... MY MIND!!! After a three day visit my friends decided they have had enough and want to go back home to the comfort of there small town lives, where the corruption of teenage life with drugs, and city living is controlled by simple-minded, culturally retarded adults who are set in there old fashion ways of life and refuse to open the door to diversity. However being completely opposite of what was expected, I had only gotten a small sample of this fabulous lifestyle and was already addicted. So as hard as it was for them to watch me fall straight down the throat and be swallowed by the largest consumer of young adult life, they left me behind. Now I am nothing more than an open-minded, new-comer to this way of life in a small group of friends I already considered family. Over the next few days I just completely let go and allowed myself to be completely consumed and overtaken by the drugs and addictions that surrounded me. As time passed by, I seemed to leave more and more of my mind, and sense of reality spread throughout this tretchorous city, that is nothing more than an adult playground filled with sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. And now that I am only days away from removing myself from this parasitic city that will suck you dry of every moral value your parents ever taught you I realize that I was blinded by the overbearing population, bright flashing lights and, overcredited lifestyles so intensly it kept me from seeing what is happening to my life, and how I am affecting the ones who love me and see that I am falling flat on my ass and fast. I also began poisoning my mind to the point of a brain relapse. But the most important people that we let down are the future tourist that expect the same thing when they enter "Fabulous Las Vegas" as you did when you came here. By not warning the new comers of this country of the disappointments and let downs of whatever there expectations are when they decide to give up everything they ever had, pack up, and move to a city they know nothing about other than the false advertisements used to lure us here by media slobs and t.v commercials, you are only allowing the government to continue to drain as much of the economy as they possibly can for millions of dollars each year, just to put it right back into the destruction of the human race by ruining the lives of our young adults, who may I remind you are the future of this world. If these assumptions I have are ever proven true, it would be the most costly, ongoing conspiracy to ever take place, and if we don't stop feeding into the corruption of this world and letting our minds be manipulated, to make us believe everything we see so we'll buy into all these lies they use just to drain us of our entire life savings, we as a human race will be wiped off this continent even sooner than you could imagine and and the U.S. will become nothing more than miles and miles and miles of every manufacturing business owned by the U.S., along with any others that can be bought along the way being worked in by millions of machines, wich will cut the cost of production and make these corporate assholes that we once trusted to be our political leaders to obtain complete control over the prices of the buy, sell, and trade of goods bought and shipped all over the world wich would mean they will have more money, power, and control than any man is ever meant to have access to.