Why KeviNick?: Kevin (I call him Babes) has always been my favorite... but when Nicky got older, there was just something about him that caught my eye... It's the best of both worlds, I suppose!
I'm sure I did. I'm out the door to work, but take a look at the community info page and see if you're name is on the member list? Oh, and if you saw the new list, then you're a member, b/c this is friends only. :) If Kimmie hasn't editied it by the time I get home, I'll take care of it. *mwah*
Location: Michigan
Website/s (if any): Sorry, Don't have one!
Why KeviNick?: Kevin (I call him Babes) has always been my favorite... but when Nicky got older, there was just something about him that caught my eye... It's the best of both worlds, I suppose!
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